Crystal L. Brogan
Crystal L. Brogan
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The 2014 ALMA long baseline campaign: first results from high angular resolution observations toward the HL Tau region
CL Brogan, LM Pérez, TR Hunter, WRF Dent, AS Hales, RE Hills, ...
The Astrophysical journal letters 808 (1), L3, 2015
A catalog of extended green objects in the GLIMPSE survey: a new sample of massive young stellar object outflow candidates
CJ Cyganowski, BA Whitney, E Holden, E Braden, CL Brogan, ...
The Astronomical Journal 136 (6), 2391, 2008
A class I and class II CH3OH maser survey of EGOs from the GLIMPSE survey
CJ Cyganowski, CL Brogan, TR Hunter, E Churchwell
The Astrophysical Journal 702 (2), 1615, 2009
A Spitzer space telescope infrared survey of supernova remnants in the inner galaxy
WT Reach, J Rho, A Tappe, TG Pannuti, CL Brogan, EB Churchwell, ...
The Astronomical Journal 131 (3), 1479, 2006
An actively accreting massive black hole in the dwarf starburst galaxy Henize 2-10
AE Reines, GR Sivakoff, KE Johnson, CL Brogan
Nature 470 (7332), 66-68, 2011
Discovery of 35 new supernova remnants in the inner galaxy
CL Brogan, JD Gelfand, BM Gaensler, NE Kassim, TJW Lazio
The Astrophysical Journal 639 (1), L25, 2006
An extraordinary outburst in the massive protostellar system NGC 6334I-MM1: quadrupling of the millimeter continuum
TR Hunter, CL Brogan, G MacLeod, CJ Cyganowski, CJ Chandler, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 837 (2), L29, 2017
IRAS 16293–2422: proper motions, jet precession, the hot core, and the unambiguous detection of infall
CJ Chandler, CL Brogan, YL Shirley, L Loinard
The Astrophysical Journal 632 (1), 371, 2005
Millimeter multiplicity in ngc 6334 i and i (n)
TR Hunter, CL Brogan, ST Megeath, KM Menten, H Beuther, S Thorwirth
The Astrophysical Journal 649 (2), 888, 2006
Evidence of a weak galactic center magnetic field from diffuse low-frequency nonthermal radio emission
TN LaRosa, CL Brogan, SN Shore, TJ Lazio, NE Kassim, ME Nord
The Astrophysical Journal 626 (1), L23, 2005
The Extended Environment of M17: A Star Formation History
MS Povich, E Churchwell, JH Bieging, M Kang, BA Whitney, CL Brogan, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 696 (2), 1278, 2009
High-resolution, wide-field imaging of the galactic center region at 330 MHz
ME Nord, TJW Lazio, NE Kassim, SD Hyman, TN LaRosa, CL Brogan, ...
The Astronomical Journal 128 (4), 1646, 2004
ALMA observations of the Antennae galaxies. I. A new window on a prototypical merger
BC Whitmore, C Brogan, R Chandar, A Evans, J Hibbard, K Johnson, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 795 (2), 156, 2014
Distributed star formation throughout the Galactic Center cloud Sgr B2
A Ginsburg, J Bally, A Barnes, N Bastian, C Battersby, H Beuther, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 853 (2), 171, 2018
A magnetically supported photodissociation region in M17
EW Pellegrini, JA Baldwin, CL Brogan, MM Hanson, NP Abel, GJ Ferland, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 658 (2), 1119, 2007
G11. 92− 0.61 MM1: a Keplerian disc around a massive young proto-O star
JD Ilee, CJ Cyganowski, P Nazari, TR Hunter, CL Brogan, DH Forgan, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 462 (4), 4386-4401, 2016
OH Zeeman magnetic field detections toward five supernova remnants using the VLA
CL Brogan, DA Frail, WM Goss, TH Troland
arXiv preprint astro-ph/0002398, 2000
The low-frequency radio emission and spectrum of the extended SNR W44: new VLA observations at 74 and 324 MHz
G Castelletti, G Dubner, C Brogan, NE Kassim
Astronomy & Astrophysics 471 (2), 537-549, 2007
G11. 92–0.61 MM 1: A Fragmented Keplerian Disk Surrounding a Proto-O Star
JD Ilee, CJ Cyganowski, CL Brogan, TR Hunter, DH Forgan, TJ Haworth, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 869 (2), L24, 2018
Discovery of a radio supernova remnant and nonthermal X-rays coincident with the TeV source HESS J1813–178
CL Brogan, BM Gaensler, JD Gelfand, JS Lazendic, TJW Lazio, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 629 (2), L105, 2005
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Articles 1–20