Sadia Shaukat
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Cited by
Attitudes and self‐efficacy of pre‐service teachers towards inclusion in P akistan
U Sharma, S Shaukat, B Furlonger
Journal of research in special educational needs 15 (2), 97-105, 2015
Teacher self-efficacy as a function of student engagement, instructional strategies and classroom management
S Shaukat, HM Iqbal
Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 9 (3), 82-85, 2012
The impact of teachers' characteristics on their self‐efficacy and job satisfaction: a perspective from teachers engaging students with disabilities
GAB S Shaukat, VR Vishnumolakala
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 2018
Postgraduate students' attitudes towards research.
S Shaukat, A Siddiquah, M Abiodullah, RA Akbar
Bulletin of education and research 36 (1), 111-122, 2014
Pakistani and Australian Pre-Service Teachers' Attitudes and Self-Efficacy Towards Inclusive Education.
S Shaukat, U Sharma, B Furlonger
Journal of Behavioural Sciences 23 (2), 2013
Gender discrimination in higher education in Pakistan: A survey of university faculty
S Shaukat, A Sıddıquah, AW Pell
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 56 (56), 1-17, 2014
Personal and social problems faced by women in higher education
S Shaukat, AW Pell
FWU Journal of Social Sciences 9 (2), 101, 2015
Developing teacher professionalism scale: Validation and reliability study/Öğretmenlik mesleği profesyonellik ölçeği geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışması
A İlgan, E Aslanargün, S Shaukat
Eğitimde Kuram ve Uygulama 11 (4), 1454-1474, 2015
Teacher educators' perceptions of professional standards: Implementation challenges in Pakistan
S shaukat, R Chowdhury
Issues in Educational Research 30 (3), 1084-1104., 2020
Development and validation of in-service teachers' self-efficacy beliefs in the context of Pakistan
S Shaukat
Evaluation & Research in Education 24 (2), 121-141, 2011
University students’ academic confidence: Comparison between social sciences and natural science disciplines
S Shaukat, M Bashir
Journal of Elementary Education 25 (2), 113-123, 2016
Challenges for Education of Children With Disabilities in Pakistan
S Shaukat
Intervention in School and Clinic, 2022
Role of Different Educational Systems in the Development of Moral and Social Traits in Pakistani Students.
RN Ahmed, S Shaukat, M Abiodullah
Journal of Behavioural Sciences 19, 2009
The Impact of Socio-cultural factors on females passing through Higher Education in Pakistan
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 72, 193-214, 2017
The Impact of Technostress on Teacher Educators’ Work–Family Conflict and Life Satisfaction While Working Remotely during COVID-19 in Pakistan
S Shaukat
Education Sciences 12 (9), 616, 2022
Gender inequity at Workplace in Pakistani Higher Education Institutions.
S Shaukat, AW Pell
Bahria journal of professional Psychology 15 (1), 2016
Preservice teacher perceptions of preparedness for teaching: Insights from survey research exploring the links between teacher professional standards and agency
SLC Linda-Dianne Willis, Sadia Shaukat
British Journal of Educational Research, 2021
Science Teachers’ Perceptions of Personal Science Efficacy Beliefs and Science Teaching in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and the United Arab Emirates
AKHA Sadia Shaukat*, Venkat Rao Vishnumolakala
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 16 (8), 1-11, 2020
Student teachers attitudes towards inclusion in Pakistan
S Shaukat
Bahria Journal of Professional Psychology 14 (1), 72–89-72–89, 2015
Student's causal attribution towards their success and failure in examination at post graduate level
S Shaukat, M Abiodullah, K Rashid
Pakistan Journal of Psychology 41 (1), 81-98, 2010
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Articles 1–20