raghuveer rao
raghuveer rao
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Bispectrum estimation: A digital signal processing framework
CL Nikias, MR Raghuveer
Proceedings of the IEEE 75 (7), 869-891, 1987
Wavelet Transforms: Introdu-ction to Theory and Applications
RM Rao
Addision Wesley, 1998
Interpretability of deep learning models: A survey of results
S Chakraborty, R Tomsett, R Raghavendra, D Harborne, M Alzantot, ...
2017 IEEE smartworld, ubiquitous intelligence & computing, advanced …, 2017
Wavelet analysis of neuroelectric waveforms: a conceptual tutorial
VJ Samar, A Bopardikar, R Rao, K Swartz
Brain and language 66 (1), 7-60, 1999
Bispectrum estimation: A parametric approach
M Raghuveer, C Nikias
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 33 (5), 1213-1230, 1985
Algorithms for designing wavelets to match a specified signal
JO Chapa, RM Rao
IEEE transactions on signal processing 48 (12), 3395-3406, 2000
Imaging for concealed weapon detection: a tutorial overview of development in imaging sensors and processing
HM Chen, S Lee, RM Rao, MA Slamani, PK Varshney
IEEE signal processing Magazine 22 (2), 52-61, 2005
Cluster-head identification in ad hoc sensor networks using particle swarm optimization
J Tillett, R Rao, F Sahin
2002 IEEE International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications, 201-205, 2002
RIT Digital Institutional Repositor y
J Tillett, T Rao, F Sahin, R Rao
Multiresolution analysis of event-related potentials by wavelet decomposition
VJ Samar, KP Swartz, MR Raghuveer
Brain and cognition 27 (3), 398-438, 1995
Efficient feature extraction and likelihood fusion for vehicle tracking in low frame rate airborne video
K Palaniappan, F Bunyak, P Kumar, I Ersoy, S Jaeger, K Ganguli, ...
2010 13th international conference on information fusion, 1-8, 2010
Segmentation of malaria parasites in peripheral blood smear images
VV Makkapati, RM Rao
2009 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2009
Bispectral reconstruction of signals in noise: Amplitude reconstruction issues
G Sundaramoorthy, MR Raghuveer, SA Dianat
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 38 (7), 1297-1306, 1990
Pixelhop++: A small successive-subspace-learning-based (ssl-based) model for image classification
Y Chen, M Rouhsedaghat, S You, R Rao, CCJ Kuo
2020 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 3294-3298, 2020
Fast algorithms for phase and magnitude reconstruction from bispectra
SA Dianat, RM Rao
Optical Engineering 29 (5), 504-512, 1990
Wide-area persistent airborne video: Architecture and challenges
K Palaniappan, RM Rao, G Seetharaman
Distributed video sensor networks, 349-371, 2011
Overview of image processing
PK Varshney, MK Arora, RM Rao, MK Arora
Advanced image processing techniques for remotely sensed hyperspectral data …, 2004
Time-domain approaches to quadratic phase coupling estimation
MR Raghuveer
IEEE Transactions on Automatic control 35 (1), 48-56, 1990
Bispectrum estimation via AR modeling
MR Raghuveer, CL Nikias
Signal Processing 10 (1), 35-48, 1986
Multispectral image denoising with optimized vector bilateral filter
H Peng, R Rao, SA Dianat
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 23 (1), 264-273, 2013
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Articles 1–20