Ian W Holloway
Ian W Holloway
Professor of Social Welfare, University of California, Los Angeles
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Acceptability of smartphone application-based HIV prevention among young men who have sex with men
IW Holloway, E Rice, J Gibbs, H Winetrobe, S Dunlap, H Rhoades
AIDS and Behavior 18, 285-296, 2014
Sex risk among young men who have sex with men who use Grindr, a smartphone geosocial networking application.
E Rice, I Holloway, H Winetrobe, H Rhoades, A Barman-Adhikari, J Gibbs, ...
Economic, mental health, HIV prevention and HIV treatment impacts of COVID-19 and the COVID-19 response on a global sample of cisgender gay men and other men who have sex with men
GM Santos, B Ackerman, A Rao, S Wallach, G Ayala, E Lamontage, ...
AIDS and Behavior 25, 311-321, 2021
Minority stress experiences and psychological well-being: The impact of support from and connection to social networks within the Los Angeles House and Ball communities
CF Wong, SM Schrager, IW Holloway, IH Meyer, MD Kipke
Prevention Science 15, 44-55, 2014
Associations of unprotected anal intercourse with Grindr-met partners among Grindr-using young men who have sex with men in Los Angeles
H Winetrobe, E Rice, J Bauermeister, R Petering, IW Holloway
AIDS care 26 (10), 1303-1308, 2014
Brief report: PrEP uptake, adherence, and discontinuation among California YMSM using geosocial networking applications
IW Holloway, R Dougherty, J Gildner, SC Beougher, C Pulsipher, ...
JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 74 (1), 15-20, 2017
Social networks and implementation of evidence-based practices in public youth-serving systems: a mixed-methods study
LA Palinkas, IW Holloway, E Rice, D Fuentes, Q Wu, P Chamberlain
Implementation Science 6, 1-11, 2011
Adolescent expectancies, parent-adolescent communication and intentions to have sexual intercourse among inner-city, middle school youth
V Guilamo-Ramos, J Jaccard, P Dittus, A Bouris, I Holloway, E Casillas
Annals of behavioral Medicine 34 (1), 56-66, 2007
Inter-organizational collaboration in the implementation of evidence-based practices among public agencies serving abused and neglected youth
LA Palinkas, D Fuentes, M Finno, AR Garcia, IW Holloway, ...
Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services …, 2014
“It’s like our own little world”: Resilience as a factor in participating in the ballroom community subculture
K Kubicek, M McNeeley, IW Holloway, G Weiss, MD Kipke
AIDS and Behavior 17, 1524-1539, 2013
Network influences on the sexual risk behaviors of gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men using geosocial networking applications
IW Holloway, CA Pulsipher, J Gibbs, A Barman-Adhikari, E Rice
AIDS and Behavior 19, 112-122, 2015
Project HOPE: online social network changes in an HIV prevention randomized controlled trial for African American and Latino men who have sex with men
SD Young, I Holloway, D Jaganath, E Rice, D Westmoreland, T Coates
American journal of public health 104 (9), 1707-1712, 2014
Facilitators and barriers to pre-exposure prophylaxis willingness among young men who have sex with men who use geosocial networking applications in California
IW Holloway, D Tan, JL Gildner, SC Beougher, C Pulsipher, JA Montoya, ...
AIDS patient care and STDs 31 (12), 517-527, 2017
Social networks of homeless youth in emerging adulthood
S Wenzel, I Holloway, D Golinelli, B Ewing, R Bowman, J Tucker
Journal of youth and adolescence 41, 561-571, 2012
Online social networking, sexual risk and protective behaviors: Considerations for clinicians and researchers
IW Holloway, S Dunlap, HE Del Pino, K Hermanstyne, C Pulsipher, ...
Current addiction reports 1, 220-228, 2014
A mixed methods approach to network data collection
E Rice, IW Holloway, A Barman-Adhikari, D Fuentes, CH Brown, ...
Field methods 26 (3), 252-268, 2014
The application of minority stress theory to marijuana use among sexual minority adolescents
JT Goldbach, SM Schrager, SL Dunlap, IW Holloway
Substance use & misuse 50 (3), 366-375, 2015
Comparing self-reported demographic and sexual behavioral factors among men who have sex with men recruited through Mechanical Turk, Qualtrics, and a HIV/STI clinic-based …
MR Beymer, IW Holloway, C Grov
Archives of sexual behavior 47, 133-142, 2018
High methodologic quality but poor applicability: assessment of the AAOS guidelines using the AGREE II instrument
S Sabharwal, NK Patel, S Gauher, I Holloway, T Athansiou
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research® 472 (6), 1982-1988, 2014
Experiences of sexual harassment, stalking, and sexual assault during military service among LGBT and non‐LGBT service members
AC Schuyler, C Klemmer, MR Mamey, SM Schrager, JT Goldbach, ...
Journal of traumatic stress 33 (3), 257-266, 2020
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Articles 1–20