Kristian Jessen
Kristian Jessen
Professor, Dept of ChE and MS, USC
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Storage of CO2 in saline aquifers: Effects of gravity, viscous, and capillary forces on amount and timing of trapping
ST Ide, K Jessen, FM Orr Jr
International journal of greenhouse gas control 1 (4), 481-491, 2007
An experimental investigation of spontaneous imbibition in gas shales
B Roychaudhuri, TT Tsotsis, K Jessen
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 111, 87-97, 2013
Laboratory and simulation investigation of enhanced coalbed methane recovery by gas injection
K Jessen, GQ Tang, AR Kovscek
Transport in Porous Media 73, 141-159, 2008
Increasing CO2 storage in oil recovery
K Jessen, AR Kovscek, FM Orr Jr
Energy Conversion and Management 46 (2), 293-311, 2005
Global approach for calculation of minimum miscibility pressure
K Jessen, ML Michelsen, EH Stenby
Fluid Phase Equilibria 153 (2), 251-263, 1998
An analysis of the vanishing interfacial tension technique for determination of minimum miscibility pressure
FM Orr Jr, K Jessen
Fluid phase equilibria 255 (2), 99-109, 2007
Impacts of the subsurface storage of natural gas and hydrogen mixtures
Z Shi, K Jessen, TT Tsotsis
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45 (15), 8757-8773, 2020
Competitive sorption of methane/ethane mixtures on shale: measurements and modeling
Y Wang, TT Tsotsis, K Jessen
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 54 (48), 12187-12195, 2015
Interplay of phase behavior and numerical dispersion in finite difference compositional simulation
K Jessen, EH Stenby, FM Orr Jr
SPE Journal 9 (2), 2004
Recovery of coalbed methane by gas injection
J Zhu, K Jessen, AR Kovscek, FM Orr Jr
SPE Improved Oil Recovery Conference, SPE-75255-MS, 2002
High order upwind schemes for two-phase, multicomponent flow
BT Mallison, MG Gerritsen, K Jessen, FM Orr
SPE Journal 10 (3), 297-311, 2005
An experimental and numerical investigation of crossflow effects in two-phase displacements
Y Cinar, K Jessen, R Berenblyum, R Juanes, FM Orr Jr
SPE Journal 11 (2), 2006
On interfacial-tension measurements to estimate minimum miscibility pressures
K Jessen, FM Orr
SPE reservoir evaluation & engineering 11 (5), 933-939, 2008
Fast, approximate solutions for 1D multicomponent gas injection problems
K Jessen, Y Wang, P Ermakov, J Zhu, FM Orr
SPE Journal 6 (4), 2001
Gas cycling and the development of miscibility in condensate reservoirs
K Jessen, FM Orr
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering 7 (5), 334-341, 2004
Analytical theory of coalbed methane recovery by gas injection
J Zhu, K Jessen, AR Kovscek, FM Orr Jr
SPE Journal 8 (4), 371-379, 2003
Compositional streamline simulation
K Jessen, FM Orr Jr
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, SPE-77379-MS, 2002
Measurement and modeling of CO2 mass transfer in brine at reservoir conditions
Z Shi, B Wen, MA Hesse, TT Tsotsis, K Jessen
Advances in water resources 113, 100-111, 2018
A review of geochemical–mechanical impacts in geological carbon storage reservoirs
AT Akono, JL Druhan, G Dávila, T Tsotsis, K Jessen, S Fuchs, D Crandall, ...
Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 9 (3), 474-504, 2019
Impact of Brine/CO2 exposure on the transport and mechanical properties of the Mt Simon sandstone
Z Shi, L Sun, I Haljasmaa, W Harbert, S Sanguinito, M Tkach, A Goodman, ...
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 177, 295-305, 2019
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