Dorit Hammerling
Dorit Hammerling
Associate Professor of Statistics
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Cited by
A case study competition among methods for analyzing large spatial data
MJ Heaton, A Datta, AO Finley, R Furrer, J Guinness, R Guhaniyogi, ...
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 24, 398-425, 2019
A multiresolution Gaussian process model for the analysis of large spatial datasets
D Nychka, S Bandyopadhyay, D Hammerling, F Lindgren, S Sain
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 24 (2), 579-599, 2015
ESD Reviews: Model dependence in multi-model climate ensembles: weighting, sub-selection and out-of-sample testing
G Abramowitz, N Herger, E Gutmann, D Hammerling, R Knutti, M Leduc, ...
Earth System Dynamics 10 (1), 91-105, 2019
Mapping of CO2 at high spatiotemporal resolution using satellite observations: Global distributions from OCO‐2
DM Hammerling, AM Michalak, SR Kawa
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 117 (D6), 2012
Evaluating lossy data compression on climate simulation data within a large ensemble
AH Baker, DM Hammerling, SA Mickelson, H Xu, MB Stolpe, P Naveau, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 9 (12), 4381-4403, 2016
Global CO2 distributions over land from the Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite (GOSAT)
DM Hammerling, AM Michalak, C O'Dell, SR Kawa
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (8), 2012
Methods for analyzing large spatial data: A review and comparison
MJ Heaton, A Datta, A Finley, R Furrer, R Guhaniyogi, F Gerber, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.05013 22, 2017
Toward a multi-method approach: Lossy data compression for climate simulation data
AH Baker, H Xu, DM Hammerling, S Li, JP Clyne
High Performance Computing: ISC High Performance 2017 International …, 2017
A new ensemble-based consistency test for the Community Earth System Model (pyCECT v1. 0)
AH Baker, DM Hammerling, MN Levy, H Xu, JM Dennis, BE Eaton, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 8 (9), 2829-2840, 2015
LatticeKrig: Multiresolution Kriging based on Markov random fields
D Nychka, D Hammerling, S Sain, N Lenssen
URL http://CRAN. R-project. org/package= LatticeKrig, 2013
Toward assessing NARCCAP regional climate model credibility for the North American monsoon: future climate simulations
MS Bukovsky, CM Carrillo, DJ Gochis, DM Hammerling, RR McCrary, ...
Journal of Climate 28 (17), 6707-6728, 2015
A Bayesian hierarchical model for climate change detection and attribution
M Katzfuss, D Hammerling, RL Smith
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (11), 5720-5728, 2017
Parallel inference for massive distributed spatial data using low-rank models
M Katzfuss, D Hammerling
Statistics and Computing 27, 363-375, 2017
Multiscale Methane Measurements at Oil and Gas Facilities Reveal Necessary Frameworks for Improved Emissions Accounting
JL Wang, WS Daniels, DM Hammerling, M Harrison, K Burmaster, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 56 (20), 14743-14752, 2022
Evaluating image quality measures to assess the impact of lossy data compression applied to climate simulation data
AH Baker, DM Hammerling, TL Turton
Computer Graphics Forum 38 (3), 517-528, 2019
Modeling and emulation of nonstationary Gaussian fields
D Nychka, D Hammerling, M Krock, A Wiens
Spatial statistics 28, 21-38, 2018
On the Ability of Space‐Based Passive and Active Remote Sensing Observations of CO2 to Detect Flux Perturbations to the Carbon Cycle
SMR Crowell, S Randolph Kawa, EV Browell, DM Hammerling, B Moore, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (2), 1460-1477, 2018
A statistical analysis of lossily compressed climate model data
A Poppick, J Nardi, N Feldman, AH Baker, A Pinard, DM Hammerling
Computers & Geosciences 145, 104599, 2020
Compression and conditional emulation of climate model output
J Guinness, D Hammerling
Journal of the American Statistical Association 113 (521), 56-67, 2018
Geostatistical inverse modeling for super-resolution mapping of continuous spatial processes
J Wang, DG Brown, D Hammerling
Remote sensing of environment 139, 205-215, 2013
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Articles 1–20