soheil soltani
Cited by
Cited by
Deep UV dispersion and absorption spectroscopy of biomolecules
S Soltani, A Ojaghi, FE Robles
Biomedical Optics Express 10 (2), 487-499, 2019
Low-threshold parametric oscillation in organically modified microcavities
X Shen, RC Beltran, VM Diep, S Soltani, AM Armani
Science advances 4 (1), eaao4507, 2018
Gold nanorod plasmonic upconversion microlaser
C Shi, S Soltani, AM Armani
Nano letters 13 (12), 5827-5831, 2013
Prostate Cancer Histopathology Using Label-free Multispectral Deep-UV Microscopy Quantifies Phenotypes of Tumor Aggressiveness and Enables Multiple Diagnostic Virtual Stains
S Soltani, A Ojaghi, H Qiao, N Kaza, X Li, Q Dai, AO Osunkoya, FE Robles
High-Speed “4D” Computational Microscopy of Bacterial Surface Motility
J De Anda, EY Lee, CK Lee, RR Bennett, X Ji, S Soltani, MC Harrison, ...
ACS nano 11 (9), 9340-9351, 2017
Plasmonically enhanced Kerr frequency combs
R Castro-Beltrán, VM Diep, S Soltani, E Gungor, AM Armani
ACS Photonics 4 (11), 2828-2834, 2017
Temperature sensor based on a hybrid ITO-silica resonant cavity
AB Socorro, S Soltani, I Del Villar, JM Corres, AM Armani
Optics Express 23 (3), 1930-1937, 2015
Stimulated Anti-Stokes Raman emission generated by gold nanorod coated optical resonators
S Soltani, VM Diep, R Zeto, AM Armani
ACS Photonics, 2018
Optothermal transport behavior in whispering gallery mode optical cavities
S Soltani, A M. Armani
Applied Physics Letters 105 (5), 051111, 2014
Deep UV Microscopy Identifies Prostatic Basal Cells: An Important Biomarker for Prostate Cancer Diagnostics
S Soltani, B Cheng, AO Osunkoya, FE Robles
BME Frontiers 2022, 2022
Label-free detection of brain tumors in a 9L gliosarcoma rat model using stimulated Raman scattering-spectroscopic optical coherence tomography
S Soltani, Z Guang, Z Zhang, JJ Olson, FE Robles
Journal of Biomedical Optics 26 (7), 076004, 2021
On-chip asymmetric microcavity optomechanics
S Soltani, AW Hudnut, AM Armani
Optics express 24 (26), 29613-29623, 2016
Integrated polymeric all-optical switch
GM Parsanasab, HR Karimi-Alavijeh, S Soltani, A Gharavi
Journal of Lightwave Technology 29 (18), 2801-2804, 2011
Nonlinear optics in hybrid organic-inorganic ultra high Q integrated microcavities
AM Armani, X Shen, H Choi, J He, V Diep, S Soltani
Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nanophotonics, IM3I. 4, 2018
Prostate cancer histopathology with label-free multispectral deep UV microscopy quantifies phenotypes of tumor grade and aggressiveness
S Soltani, A Ojaghi, H Qiao, N Kaza, X Li, Q Dai, AO Osunkoya, FE Robles
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.00682, 2021
Optimal design of suspended silica on-chip splitter
S Soltani, AM Armani
Optics Express 21 (6), 7748-7757, 2013
Deep UV microscopy of prostate cancer tissue
S Soltani, A Ojaghi, A Kludze, FE Robles
Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues …, 2020
Organically modified microresonators for high efficiency microlasers
X Shen, RC Beltran, V Diep, S Soltani, A Armani
Frontiers in Optics, FTh3A. 2, 2017
Label-Free Deep UV Microscopy Identifies Basal Cells in Prostate Gland: A Powerful Endogenous Negative Biomarker of Carcinoma
S Soltani, B Cheng, AO Osunkoya, FE Robles
Microscopy Histopathology and Analytics, MW3A. 6, 2022
Label-free multi-spectral deep UV imaging of prostate cancer tissue
S Soltani, A Ojaghi, AO Osunkoya, FE Robles
Label-free Biomedical Imaging and Sensing (LBIS) 2021 11655, 116550H, 2021
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Articles 1–20