Andreas Naesby
Andreas Naesby
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Influence of pure dephasing on emission spectra from single photon sources
A Naesby, T Suhr, PT Kristensen, J Mørk
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (4), 045802, 2008
Optical cavity cooling of mechanical modes of a semiconductor nanomembrane
K Usami, A Naesby, T Bagci, B Melholt Nielsen, J Liu, S Stobbe, P Lodahl, ...
Nature Physics 8 (2), 168-172, 2012
High-Q optomechanical GaAs nanomembranes
J Liu, K Usami, A Naesby, T Bagci, ES Polzik, P Lodahl, S Stobbe
Applied Physics Letters 99 (24), 2011
Optomechanical characterization of silicon nitride membrane arrays
B Nair, A Naesby, A Dantan
Optics letters 42 (7), 1341-1344, 2017
Microcavities with suspended subwavelength structured mirrors
A Naesby, A Dantan
Optics Express 26 (23), 29886-29894, 2018
Exciton-mediated photothermal cooling in GaAs membranes
A Xuereb, K Usami, A Naesby, ES Polzik, K Hammerer
New Journal of Physics 14 (8), 085024, 2012
Effects of pressure on suspended micromechanical membrane arrays
A Naesby, S Naserbakht, A Dantan
Applied Physics Letters 111 (20), 2017
Suspended silicon nitride thin films with enhanced and electrically tunable reflectivity
B Nair, A Naesby, BR Jeppesen, A Dantan
Physica Scripta 94 (12), 125013, 2019
Stress-controlled frequency tuning and parametric amplification of the vibrations of coupled nanomembranes
S Naserbakht, A Naesby, A Dantan
Applied Sciences 9 (22), 4845, 2019
Electromechanics in vertically coupled nanomembranes
S Naserbakht, A Naesby, A Dantan
Applied Physics Letters 115 (6), 2019
Optoelectronic cooling of mechanical modes in a semiconductor nanomembrane
K Usami, A Naesby, T Bagci, BM Nielsen, J Liu, S Stobbe, P Lodahl, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1011.3974, 2010
Optomechanical squeeze film sensors for absolute saturation vapor pressure measurements
RV Nielsen, M Salimi, S Naserbakht, A Naesby, JVE Andersen, ...
2023 Photonics Global Conference (PGC), 81-84, 2023
Electro-optomechanical nanomembrane arrays
S Naserbakht, A Naesby, A Dantan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.00688, 2019
Universal manuscript template for OSA journals
A Naesby, A Dantan
Optics Express 26 (23), 29886, 2018
Optoelectronic cooling of mechanical modes in a semiconductor nanomembrane
A Naesby, K Usami, T Bagci, BM Nielsen, J Liu, S Stobbe, P Lodahl, ...
The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, JSI_P3, 2011
Laser cooling of mechanical modes in a semiconductor nanomembrane via electron-hole generation
K Usami, T Bagci, J Liu, A Naesby, BM Nielsen, P Lodahl, S Stobbe, ...
Cavity Optomechnics with 150nm-thick GaAs Membrane
K Usami, BM Nielsen, A Naesby, T Bagci, J Liu, S Stobbe, P Lodahl, ...
Workshop on Nano-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems Approaching the Quantum Regime, 2010
Influence of Pure Dephasing on Emission Spectra from Quantum Dot-Cavity Systems
A Naesby, T Suhr, PT Kristensen, J Mørk
Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications, IWE7, 2008
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Articles 1–18