Jung-Ju Choi
Jung-Ju Choi
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Anticipation effect generation for character animation
JH Kim, JJ Choi, HJ Shin, IK Lee
Advances in Computer Graphics: 24th Computer Graphics International …, 2006
Anticipation for facial animation
JJ Choi, DS Kim, IK Lee
Proceedings of 17th international conference on computer animation and …, 2004
Single image summarization of 3D animation using depth images
HJ Lee, HJ Shin, JJ Choi
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 23 (3-4), 417-424, 2012
New modelling formalism for control programs of flexible manufacturing systems
M Ko, SC Park, JJ Choi, M Chang
International Journal of Production Research 51 (6), 1668-1679, 2013
Ruled tracing
G Elbery, JJ Choiz, MS Kimz
Editing noise
JC Yoon, IK Lee, JJ Choi
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 15 (3‐4), 277-287, 2004
SPOID: a system to produce spot-the-difference puzzle images with difficulty
JH Jin, HJ Shin, JJ Choi
The Visual Computer 29, 481-489, 2013
Developing new automated alternation flicker using optic disc photography for the detection of glaucoma progression
J Ahn, IS Yun, HG Yoo, JJ Choi, M Lee
Eye 31 (1), 119-126, 2017
Edge adaptive hierarchical interpolation for lossless and progressive image transmission
Y Biadgie, YC Wee, JJ Choi
KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS) 5 (11), 2068-2086, 2011
Background music generation using music texture synthesis
MJ Yoo, IK Lee, JJ Choi
Entertainment Computing–ICEC 2004: Third International Conference, Eindhoven …, 2004
Rendering stylized highlights using projective textures
JJ Choi, HJ Lee
The Visual Computer 22, 805-813, 2006
Computing planar bisector curves based on developable SSI
JJ Choi, MS Kim, G Elber
Preprint, POSTECH, Korea, 1997
Agreement of New Automated Matched Alternation Flicker using Undilated Fundus Photography for the Detection of Glaucomatous Structural Change
IS Yun, S Rho, S Jang, J Ahn, JJ Choi, M Lee
Current Eye Research 42 (3), 424-428, 2017
3 차원 얼굴 표정 애니메이션을 위한 기대효과의 자동 생성
최정주, 김동선, 이인권
정보과학회논문지: 시스템 및 이론 32 (1· 2), 39-48, 2005
Gradient noise fitting for procedural textures
JC Yoon, IK Lee, JJ Choi
Proceedings of Pacific Graphics’ 05, 2005
Kinetics Modeling for Slider-Crank Mechanism
YH Chung, EK Ahn, WK Hwam, SC Park, JJ Choi
An optimal parallel algorithm for finding the smallest enclosing triangle on a mesh-connected computer
JJ Choi, CS Jeong, MS Kim
Parallel Algorithms and Applications 1 (2), 115-126, 1993
Parallel enclosing rectangle on SIMD machines
CS Jeong, JJ Choi, DT Lee
Parallel computing 18 (2), 221-229, 1992
Improving the Intra-prediction of H. 264 and H. 265 Video Coding Standards Using Adaptive Weighted Least Squares Based Predictor
Y Biadgie, JJ Choi, KA Sohan
Mobile and Wireless Technologies 2017: ICMWT 2017 4, 176-186, 2018
A method of defining modeling data for representing 3D facial expression
JJ Choi, K Yoo, MW Lee, D Brutzman
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Web3D Technology, 175-176, 2016
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Articles 1–20