Christopher A. Grabowski
Christopher A. Grabowski
SABIC's Specialties Business
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Size effect of nanoparticle diffusion in a polymer melt
CA Grabowski, A Mukhopadhyay
Macromolecules 47 (20), 7238-7242, 2014
Amorphous boron nitride: a universal, ultrathin dielectric for 2D nanoelectronics
NR Glavin, C Muratore, ML Jespersen, J Hu, PT Hagerty, AM Hilton, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (16), 2640-2647, 2016
Dielectric breakdown in silica–amorphous polymer nanocomposite films: The role of the polymer matrix
CA Grabowski, SP Fillery, NM Westing, C Chi, JS Meth, MF Durstock, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 5 (12), 5486-5492, 2013
Performance of dielectric nanocomposites: Matrix-free, hairy nanoparticle assemblies and amorphous polymer–nanoparticle blends
CA Grabowski, H Koerner, JS Meth, A Dang, CM Hui, K Matyjaszewski, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 6 (23), 21500-21509, 2014
Diffusion of nanoparticles in semidilute and entangled polymer solutions
RA Omari, AM Aneese, CA Grabowski, A Mukhopadhyay
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 (25), 8449-8452, 2009
Dynamics of gold nanoparticles in a polymer melt
CA Grabowski, B Adhikary, A Mukhopadhyay
Applied Physics Letters 94 (2), 2009
Directed self-assembly of block copolymers for high breakdown strength polymer film capacitors
SP Samant, CA Grabowski, K Kisslinger, KG Yager, G Yuan, SK Satija, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 8 (12), 7966-7976, 2016
Electrical control of shape in voxelated liquid crystalline polymer nanocomposites
T Guin, BA Kowalski, R Rao, AD Auguste, CA Grabowski, PF Lloyd, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (1), 1187-1194, 2018
Dielectric performance of high permitivity nanocomposites: impact of polystyrene grafting on BaTiO3 and TiO2
CA Grabowski, SP Fillery, H Koerner, M Tchoul, L Drummy, CW Beier, ...
Nanocomposites 2 (3), 117-124, 2016
Diffusion of polystyrene chains and fluorescent dye molecules in semidilute and concentrated polymer solutions
CA Grabowski, A Mukhopadhyay
Macromolecules 41 (16), 6191-6194, 2008
Contraction and Reswelling of a Polymer Chain Near the Critical Point<? format?> of a Binary Liquid Mixture
CA Grabowski, A Mukhopadhyay
Physical review letters 98 (20), 207801, 2007
Preparation of ordered monolayers of polymer grafted nanoparticles: impact of architecture, concentration, and substrate surface energy
J Che, K Park, CA Grabowski, A Jawaid, J Kelley, H Koerner, RA Vaia
Macromolecules 49 (5), 1834-1847, 2016
Physical aging and glass transition of hairy nanoparticle assemblies
H Koerner, E Opsitnick, CA Grabowski, LF Drummy, MS Hsiao, J Che, ...
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 54 (2), 319-330, 2016
Stability of polymer grafted nanoparticle monolayers: Impact of architecture and polymer–substrate interactions on dewetting
J Che, A Jawaid, CA Grabowski, YJ Yi, GC Louis, S Ramakrishnan, ...
ACS Macro Letters 5 (12), 1369-1374, 2016
Effect of molecular weight and layer thickness on the dielectric breakdown strength of neat and homopolymer swollen lamellar block copolymer films
S Samant, M Basutkar, M Singh, A Masud, CA Grabowski, K Kisslinger, ...
ACS Applied Polymer Materials 2 (8), 3072-3083, 2020
All-printed multilayer high voltage capacitors with integrated processing feedback
JO Hardin, CA Grabowski, M Lucas, MF Durstock, JD Berrigan
Additive Manufacturing 27, 327-333, 2019
Combined atomic force microscopy and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy measurements to study the dynamical structure of interfacial fluids
S Patil, G Matei, CA Grabowski, PM Hoffmann, A Mukhopadhyay
Langmuir 23 (9), 4988-4992, 2007
Deoxyribonucleic acid-based hybrid thin films for potential application as high energy density capacitors
DM Joyce, N Venkat, F Ouchen, KM Singh, SR Smith, CA Grabowski, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (11), 2014
Mapping drift in morphology and electrical performance in aerosol jet printing
D Yoo, CM Mahoney, JR Deneault, C Grabowski, D Austin, JD Berrigan, ...
Progress in Additive Manufacturing 6, 257-268, 2021
Conductivity and radio frequency performance data for silver nanoparticle inks deposited via aerosol jet deposition and processed under varying conditions
JR Deneault, C Bartsch, A Cook, C Grabowski, JD Berrigan, N Glavin, ...
Data in Brief 33, 106331, 2020
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Articles 1–20