Professor of Physics - Case Western Reserve University
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Cited by
Extreme sensitivity biosensing platform based on hyperbolic metamaterials
KV Sreekanth, Y Alapan, M ElKabbash, E Ilker, M Hinczewski, UA Gurkan, ...
Nature materials 15 (6), 621-627, 2016
Random lasing and weak localization of light in dye-doped nematic liquid crystals
G Strangi, S Ferjani, V Barna, A De Luca, C Versace, N Scaramuzza, ...
Optics express 14 (17), 7737-7744, 2006
Negative refraction in graphene-based hyperbolic metamaterials
KV Sreekanth, A De Luca, G Strangi
Applied Physics Letters 103 (2), 2013
Experimental demonstration of surface and bulk plasmon polaritons in hypergratings
KV Sreekanth, A De Luca, G Strangi
Scientific reports 3 (1), 3291, 2013
Color-tunable organic microcavity laser array using distributed feedback
G Strangi, V Barna, R Caputo, A De Luca, C Versace, N Scaramuzza, ...
Physical review letters 94 (6), 063903, 2005
Chirality in light–matter interaction
A Lininger, G Palermo, A Guglielmelli, G Nicoletta, M Goel, M Hinczewski, ...
Advanced Materials 35 (34), 2107325, 2023
Large spontaneous emission rate enhancement in grating coupled hyperbolic metamaterials
KV Sreekanth, KH Krishna, A De Luca, G Strangi
Scientific reports 4 (1), 6340, 2014
Phase‐change‐material‐based low‐loss visible‐frequency hyperbolic metamaterials for ultrasensitive label‐free biosensing
KV Sreekanth, Q Ouyang, S Sreejith, S Zeng, W Lishu, E Ilker, W Dong, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 7 (12), 1900081, 2019
A multiband perfect absorber based on hyperbolic metamaterials
KV Sreekanth, M ElKabbash, Y Alapan, AR Rashed, UA Gurkan, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 26272, 2016
Enhancing the angular sensitivity of plasmonic sensors using hyperbolic metamaterials
KV Sreekanth, Y Alapan, M ElKabbash, AM Wen, E Ilker, M Hinczewski, ...
Advanced optical materials 4 (11), 1767-1772, 2016
Hyperbolic meta-antennas enable full control of scattering and absorption of light
N Maccaferri, Y Zhao, T Isoniemi, M Iarossi, A Parracino, G Strangi, ...
Nano letters 19 (3), 1851-1859, 2019
Ellipsometry investigation of the effects of annealing temperature on the optical properties of indium tin oxide thin films studied by Drude–Lorentz model
S D’Elia, N Scaramuzza, F Ciuchi, C Versace, G Strangi, R Bartolino
Applied Surface Science 255 (16), 7203-7211, 2009
Dispersed and encapsulated gain medium in plasmonic nanoparticles: a multipronged approach to mitigate optical losses
A De Luca, MP Grzelczak, I Pastoriza-Santos, LM Liz-Marzán, M La Deda, ...
ACS nano 5 (7), 5823-5829, 2011
Optical properties of metasurfaces infiltrated with liquid crystals
A Lininger, AY Zhu, JS Park, G Palermo, S Chatterjee, J Boyd, F Capasso, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (34), 20390-20396, 2020
Fano-resonant ultrathin film optical coatings
M ElKabbash, T Letsou, SA Jalil, N Hoffman, J Zhang, J Rutledge, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 16 (4), 440-446, 2021
POLICRYPS: a liquid crystal composed nano/microstructure with a wide range of optical and electro-optical applications
R Caputo, A De Luca, L De Sio, L Pezzi, G Strangi, C Umeton, A Veltri, ...
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 11 (2), 024017, 2009
Interface of physics and biology: engineering virus-based nanoparticles for biophotonics
AM Wen, M Infusino, A De Luca, DL Kernan, AE Czapar, G Strangi, ...
Bioconjugate chemistry 26 (1), 51-62, 2015
Biomolecular sensing at the interface between chiral metasurfaces and hyperbolic metamaterials
G Palermo, GE Lio, M Esposito, L Ricciardi, M Manoccio, V Tasco, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 12 (27), 30181-30188, 2020
Dielectric singularity in hyperbolic metamaterials: the inversion point of coexisting anisotropies
V Caligiuri, R Dhama, KV Sreekanth, G Strangi, A De Luca
Scientific reports 6 (1), 20002, 2016
Beaming random lasers with soliton control
S Perumbilavil, A Piccardi, R Barboza, O Buchnev, M Kauranen, G Strangi, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 3863, 2018
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Articles 1–20