Akkarapol  Sa-ngasoongsong
Akkarapol Sa-ngasoongsong
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Cited by
Time series forecasting for nonlinear and non-stationary processes: a review and comparative study
C Cheng, A Sa-Ngasoongsong, O Beyca, T Le, H Yang, Z Kong, ...
Iie Transactions 47 (10), 1053-1071, 2015
Multi-step sales forecasting in automotive industry based on structural relationship identification
A Sa-Ngasoongsong, STS Bukkapatnam, J Kim, PS Iyer, RP Suresh
International Journal of Production Economics 140 (2), 875-887, 2012
Wireless wearable multisensory suite and real-time prediction of obstructive sleep apnea episodes
TQ Le, C Cheng, A Sangasoongsong, W Wongdhamma, ...
IEEE journal of translational engineering in health and medicine 1, 2700109 …, 2013
A low-cost, portable, high-throughput wireless sensor system for phonocardiography applications
A Sa-Ngasoongsong, J Kunthong, V Sarangan, X Cai, STS Bukkapatnam
Sensors 12 (8), 10851-10870, 2012
Detection of sleep apnea events via tracking nonlinear dynamic cardio-respiratory coupling from electrocardiogram signals
K Karandikar, TQ Le, A Sa-ngasoongsong, W Wongdhamma, ...
2013 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER …, 2013
Prediction of sleep apnea episodes from a wireless wearable multisensor suite
TQ Le, C Cheng, A Sangasoongsong, STS Bukkapatnam
2013 IEEE Point-of-Care Healthcare Technologies (PHT), 152-155, 2013
An analysis of diabetes risk factors using data mining approach
A Sa-ngasoongsong, J Chongwatpol
Oklahoma state university, USA, 1-55, 2012
Towards virtual instruments for cardiovascular healthcare: Real-time modeling of cardiovascular dynamics using ECG signals
TQ Le, STS Bukkapatnam, A Sangasoongsong, R Komanduri
2010 IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering …, 2010
Willingness-to-pay prediction based on empirical mode decomposition
A Sa-ngasoongsong, STS Bukkapatnam
IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 1, 2011
Wireless transmission of sensor signals for phonocardiology applications
A Sa-ngasoongsong, STS Bukkapatnam
SENSORS, 2010 IEEE, 1975-1978, 2010
Prediction of sleep apnea episodes from a wireless wearable multisensor suite. IEEE Point-of-Care Healthcare Technologies (PHT) 2013
TQ Le, C Cheng, A Sangasoongsong, ST Bukkapatnam
IEEE, 2013
Long-term demand prediction using long-run equilibrium relationship of intrinsic time-scale decomposition components
A Sa-ngasoongsong
IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 1, 2012
Automobile Sales Modeling using Granger-Causality Graph with PROC VARMAX in SAS® 9.3
A Sa-ngasoongsong, STS Bukkapatnam
SAS Conference Proceeding: Western Users of SAS Software 2012, 2012
Variable Selection for Multivariate Cointegrated Time Series Prediction with PROC VARCLUS in SAS® Enterprise MinerTM 7.1
A Sa-ngasoongsong, ST Bukkapatnam
Forecasting for nonlinear and nonstationary systems using intrinsic functional decomposition models
A Sa-Ngasoongsong
Oklahoma State University, 2014
Prognostic Analysis of Hip Fracture in Elderly Women with Data Mining Methods
J Chongwatpol, A Sa-Ngasoongsong, P Woratanarat, ...
Proceedings of the 2012 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, 2012
MEMS Sensors and Wireless Transmission of Sensor Signals for Phonocardiology Applications
A Sa-Ngasoongsong
Oklahoma State University, 2009
An Analysis of Customer Preference of Automobile Products using SAS®
A Sa-ngasoongsong, STS Bukkapatnam
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Articles 1–18