Marcel Thielmann
Marcel Thielmann
Emmy Noether Group Leader, Bavarian Geoinstitute, University of Bayreuth
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Cited by
Shear heating induced lithospheric-scale localization: Does it result in subduction?
M Thielmann, BJP Kaus
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 359, 1-13, 2012
A transdisciplinary and community-driven database to unravel subduction zone initiation
F Crameri, V Magni, M Domeier, GE Shephard, K Chotalia, G Cooper, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 3750, 2020
Intermediate-depth earthquake generation and shear zone formation caused by grain size reduction and shear heating
M Thielmann, A Rozel, BJP Kaus, Y Ricard
Geology 43 (9), 791-794, 2015
Grain size assisted thermal runaway as a nucleation mechanism for continental mantle earthquakes: Impact of complex rheologies
M Thielmann
Tectonophysics 746, 611-623, 2018
3D geodynamic models for the development of opposing continental subduction zones: The Hindu Kush–Pamir example
J Liao, T Gerya, M Thielmann, AAG Webb, SK Kufner, A Yin
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 480, 133-146, 2017
Strain localization in pyroxenite by reaction-enhanced softening in the shallow subcontinental lithospheric mantle
K Hidas, CJ Garrido, A Tommasi, JA Padrón-Navarta, M Thielmann, ...
Journal of Petrology 54 (10), 1997-2031, 2013
Grain-scale modeling of arbitrary fluid saturation in random packings
K Melnikov, R Mani, FK Wittel, M Thielmann, HJ Herrmann
Physical Review E 92 (2), 022206, 2015
Discretization errors in the hybrid finite element particle-in-cell method
M Thielmann, DA May, BJP Kaus
Pure and Applied Geophysics 171, 2165-2184, 2014
Tomographic study of internal erosion of particle flows in porous media
F Bianchi, FK Wittel, M Thielmann, P Trtik, HJ Herrmann
Transport in Porous Media 122, 169-184, 2018
Pore-scale permeability prediction for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids
P Eichheimer, M Thielmann, A Popov, GJ Golabek, W Fujita, MO Kottwitz, ...
Solid Earth 10 (5), 1717-1731, 2019
Critical fragmentation properties of random drilling: how many holes need to be drilled to collapse a wooden cube?
KJ Schrenk, MR Hilário, V Sidoravicius, NAM Araújo, HJ Herrmann, ...
Physical review letters 116 (5), 055701, 2016
Combined numerical and experimental study of microstructure and permeability in porous granular media
P Eichheimer, M Thielmann, W Fujita, GJ Golabek, M Nakamura, ...
Solid Earth 11 (3), 1079-1095, 2020
Effect of water on lattice thermal conductivity of ringwoodite and its implications for the thermal evolution of descending slabs
E Marzotto, WP Hsieh, T Ishii, KH Chao, GJ Golabek, M Thielmann, ...
Geophysical Research Letters, e2020GL087607, 2020
Can grain size reduction initiate transform faults?‐Insights from a 3D numerical study
JC Schierjott, M Thielmann, AB Rozel, GJ Golabek, TV Gerya
Tectonics, e2019TC005793, 2020
Ferropericlase control of lower mantle rheology: Impact of phase morphology
M Thielmann, GJ Golabek, H Marquardt
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 21 (2), 2020
Lithospheric stresses in Rayleigh–Bénard convection: effects of a free surface and a viscoelastic Maxwell rheology
M Thielmann, BJP Kaus, AA Popov
Geophysical Supplements to the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical …, 2015
Critical bursts in filtration
F Bianchi, M Thielmann, L De Arcangelis, HJ Herrmann
Physical review letters 120 (3), 034503, 2018
High-stress creep preceding coseismic rupturing in amphibolite-facies ultramylonites
S Papa, G Pennacchioni, L Menegon, M Thielmann
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 541, 116260, 2020
Chemical stability of FeOOH at high pressure and temperature, and oxygen recycling in early Earth history
E Koemets, T Fedotenko, S Khandarkhaeva, M Bykov, E Bykova, ...
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2021 (30), 3048-3053, 2021
Contributions of grain damage, thermal weakening, and necking to slab detachment
M Thielmann, SM Schmalholz
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 254, 2020
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Articles 1–20