Pimenta,  Marcelo S.
Pimenta, Marcelo S.
Informatics Institute INF/UFRGS
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Cited by
Tailored gamification: A review of literature
ACT Klock, I Gasparini, MS Pimenta, J Hamari
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 144, 102495, 2020
Avaliação de usabilidade de sites web
M Winckler, MS Pimenta
Escola de Informática da SBC Sul (ERI 2002). Porto Alegre 1 (85-137), 51, 2002
Code smells and refactoring: A tertiary systematic review of challenges and observations
G Lacerda, F Petrillo, M Pimenta, YG Guéhéneuc
Journal of Systems and Software 167, 110610, 2020
On evaluating information visualization techniques
CMDS Freitas, PRG Luzzardi, RA Cava, M Winckler, MS Pimenta, ...
Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, 373-374, 2002
What went wrong? A survey of problems in game development
F Petrillo, M Pimenta, F Trindade, C Dietrich
Computers in Entertainment (CIE) 7 (1), 1-22, 2009
A taxonomy of game elements for gamification in educational contexts: Proposal and evaluation
AM Toda, W Oliveira, AC Klock, PT Palomino, M Pimenta, I Gasparini, ...
2019 IEEE 19th international conference on advanced learning technologies …, 2019
A taxonomy of tasks for guiding the evaluation of multidimensional visualizations
ERA Valiati, MS Pimenta, CMDS Freitas
Proceedings of the 2006 AVI workshop on Beyond time and errors: novel …, 2006
Ubiquitous music
D Keller, V Lazzarini, MS Pimenta
Springer, 2014
Convergent trends toward ubiquitous music
D Keller, LV Flores, MS Pimenta, A Capasso, P Tinajero
Journal of New Music Research 40 (3), 265-276, 2011
Anchoring in ubiquitous musical activities
D Keller, DL Barreiro, M Queiroz, MS Pimenta
ICMC, 2010
Twenty years of object-relational mapping: A survey on patterns, solutions, and their implications on application design
A Torres, R Galante, MS Pimenta, AJB Martins
information and software technology 82, 1-18, 2017
The development of heuristics for evaluation of dashboard visualizations
D Dowding, JA Merrill
Applied clinical informatics 9 (03), 511-518, 2018
Does gamification matter? A systematic mapping about the evaluation of gamification in educational environments
ACT Klock, AN Ogawa, I Gasparini, MS Pimenta
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2006-2012, 2018
5W2H Framework: a guide to design, develop and evaluate the user-centered gamification
ACT Klock, I Gasparini, MS Pimenta
Proceedings of the 15th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing …, 2016
Is agility out there? Agile practices in game development
F Petrillo, M Pimenta
Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Design of …, 2010
Houston, we have a problem... a survey of actual problems in computer games development
F Petrillo, M Pimenta, F Trindade, C Dietrich
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 707-711, 2008
Principles for music creation by novices in networked music environments
EM Miletto, MS Pimenta, F Bouchet, JP Sansonnet, D Keller
Journal of New Music Research 40 (3), 205-216, 2011
Creativity-centred design for ubiquitous musical activities: Two case studies
MH De Lima, D Keller, MS Pimenta, V Lazzarini, EM Miletto
Journal of Music, Technology and Education 5 (2), 195-222, 2012
Design inclusivo de sistemas de informação na web
AM Melo
[sn], 2007
Educação musical auxiliada por computador: algumas considerações e experiências
EM Miletto, LL Costalonga, LV Flores, EF Fritsch, RM Vicari
RENOTE: revista novas tecnologias na educação [recurso eletrônico]. Porto …, 2004
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Articles 1–20