Michael Yovanovich
Michael Yovanovich
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo
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Thermal contact conductance
MG Cooper, BB Mikic, MM Yovanovich
International Journal of heat and mass transfer 12 (3), 279-300, 1969
Pressure drop of fully-developed, laminar flow in microchannels of arbitrary cross-section
M Bahrami, MM Yovanovich, JR Culham
International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels …, 2005
Four decades of research on thermal contact, gap, and joint resistance in microelectronics
MM Yovanovich
IEEE transactions on components and packaging technologies 28 (2), 182-206, 2005
Analytical forced convection modeling of plate fin heat sinks
P Teertstra, MM Yovanovich, JR Culham
Journal of Electronics Manufacturing 10 (04), 253-261, 2000
Laminar forced convection heat transfer in the combined entry region of non-circular ducts
YS muzychka, MM Yovanovich
Convection heat transfer from tube banks in crossflow: Analytical approach
WA Khan, JR Culham, MM Yovanovich
International journal of heat and mass transfer 49 (25-26), 4831-4838, 2006
Thermal spreading resistance of eccentric heat sources on rectangular flux channels
YS Muzychka, JR Culham, MM Yovanovich
J. Electron. Packag. 125 (2), 178-185, 2003
Thermal contact correlations
M Yovanovich
16th Thermophysics Conference, 1164, 1982
Thermal spreading and contact resistances
MM Yovanovich, EE Marotta, A Bejan, AD Kraus
Heat transfer handbook 1, 261-394, 2003
Spreading resistance of isoflux rectangles and strips on compound flux channels
MM Yovanovich, YS Muzychka, JR Culham
Journal of thermophysics and heat transfer 13 (4), 495-500, 1999
Effective thermal conductivity of rough spherical packed beds
M Bahrami, MM Yovanovich, JR Culham
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49 (19-20), 3691-3701, 2006
Pressure drop in laminar developing flow in noncircular ducts: A scaling and modeling approach
YS Muzychka, MM Yovanovich
Optimization of microchannel heat sinks using entropy generation minimization method
WA Khan, MM Yovanovich, JR Culham
Twenty-second annual IEEE semiconductor thermal measurement and management …, 2006
Calculating interface resistance
MM Yovanovich, JR Culham, P Teertstra
Electronics Cooling 3 (2), 24-29, 1997
Elastoplastic contact conductance model for isotropic conforming rough surfaces and comparison with experiments
MR Sridhar, MM Yovanovich
Review of elastic and plastic contact conductance models-Comparison with experiment
MR Sridhar, M Yovanovich
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 8 (4), 633-640, 1994
A novel solution for pressure drop in singly connected microchannels of arbitrary cross-section
M Bahrami, MM Yovanovich, JR Culham
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 50 (13-14), 2492-2502, 2007
Modeling thermal contact resistance: a scale analysis approach
M Bahrami, JR Culham, MM Yovanovich
J. Heat Transfer 126 (6), 896-905, 2004
Review of thermal conductance models for joints incorporating enhancement materials
I Savija, JR Culham, MM Yovanovich, EE Marotta
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat transfer 17 (1), 43-52, 2003
Thermal contact resistance of nonconforming rough surfaces, part 2: thermal model
M Bahrami, JR Culham, MM Yovanovich, GE Schneider
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 18 (2), 218-227, 2004
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Articles 1–20