Christian Ferdinand
Christian Ferdinand
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Cited by
The worst-case execution-time problem—overview of methods and survey of tools
R Wilhelm, J Engblom, A Ermedahl, N Holsti, S Thesing, D Whalley, ...
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 7 (3), 1-53, 2008
Reliable and precise WCET determination for a real-life processor
C Ferdinand, R Heckmann, M Langenbach, F Martin, M Schmidt, ...
Embedded Software: First International Workshop, EMSOFT 2001 Tahoe City, CA …, 2001
Fast and precise WCET prediction by separated cache and path analyses
H Theiling, C Ferdinand, R Wilhelm
Real-Time Systems 18, 157-179, 2000
Efficient and precise cache behavior prediction for real-time systems
C Ferdinand, R Wilhelm
Real-time systems 17, 131-181, 1999
Memory hierarchies, pipelines, and buses for future architectures in time-critical embedded systems
R Wilhelm, D Grund, J Reineke, M Schlickling, M Pister, C Ferdinand
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2009
ait: Worst-case execution time prediction by static program analysis
C Ferdinand, R Heckmann
Building the Information Society: IFIP 18th World Computer Congress Topical …, 2004
Cache behavior prediction by abstract interpretation
M Alt, C Ferdinand, F Martin, R Wilhelm
Static Analysis: Third International Symposium, SAS'96 Aachen, Germany …, 1996
CompCert-a formally verified optimizing compiler
X Leroy, S Blazy, D Kästner, B Schommer, M Pister, C Ferdinand
ERTS 2016: Embedded Real Time Software and Systems, 8th European Congress, 2016
Predictability considerations in the design of multi-core embedded systems
C Cullmann, C Ferdinand, G Gebhard, D Grund, C Maiza, J Reineke, ...
Proceedings of Embedded Real Time Software and Systems 36, 42, 2010
Applying compiler techniques to cache behavior prediction
C Ferdinand, F Martin, R Wilhelm
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Language, Compiler and Tool …, 1997
Cache behavior prediction for real-time systems
C Ferdinand
Pirrot, 1997
Combining abstract interpretation and ILP for microarchitecture modelling and program path analysis
H Theiling, C Ferdinand
Proceedings 19th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (Cat. No. 98CB36279), 144-153, 1998
Cache behavior prediction by abstract interpretation
C Ferdinand, F Martin, R Wilhelm, M Alt
Science of Computer Programming 35 (2-3), 163-189, 1999
Pipeline behavior prediction for superscalar processors by abstract interpretation
J Schneider, C Ferdinand
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 34 (7), 35-44, 1999
On predicting data cache behavior for real-time systems
C Ferdinand, R Wilhelm
Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems: ACM SIGPLAN Workshop …, 1998
An abstract interpretation-based timing validation of hard real-time avionics software
S Thesing, J Souyris, R Heckmann, F Randimbivololona, M Langenbach, ...
2003 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, 2003 …, 2003
Analysis of loops
F Martin, M Alt, R Wilhelm, C Ferdinand
Compiler Construction: 7th International Conference, CC'98 Held as Part of …, 1998
CompCert: Practical experience on integrating and qualifying a formally verified optimizing compiler
D Kästner, J Barrho, U Wünsche, M Schlickling, B Schommer, M Schmidt, ...
ERTS2 2018-9th European Congress Embedded Real-Time Software and Systems, 1-9, 2018
Tree automata for code selection
C Ferdinand, H Seidl, R Wilhelm
Acta Informatica 31, 741-760, 1994
Worst case execution time prediction by static program analysis
C Ferdinand
18th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2004 …, 2004
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Articles 1–20