Carlos H. A. Costa
Carlos H. A. Costa
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
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Cited by
Active memory cube: A processing-in-memory architecture for exascale systems
R Nair, SF Antao, C Bertolli, P Bose, JR Brunheroto, T Chen, CY Cher, ...
IBM Journal of Research and Development 59 (2/3), 17: 1-17: 14, 2015
A massively parallel infrastructure for adaptive multiscale simulations: modeling RAS initiation pathway for cancer
F Di Natale, H Bhatia, TS Carpenter, C Neale, S Kokkila-Schumacher, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2019
A system software approach to proactive memory-error avoidance
CHA Costa, Y Park, BS Rosenburg, CY Cher, KD Ryu
SC'14: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance …, 2014
Sparkga: A spark framework for cost effective, fast and accurate dna analysis at scale
H Mushtaq, F Liu, C Costa, G Liu, P Hofstee, Z Al-Ars
Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics …, 2017
Leveraging adaptive I/O to optimize collective data shuffling patterns for big data analytics
B Nicolae, CHA Costa, C Misale, K Katrinis, Y Park
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (6), 1663-1674, 2016
You only run once: spark auto-tuning from a single run
DB Prats, FA Portella, CHA Costa, JL Berral
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 17 (4), 2039-2051, 2020
Methods, apparatus and system for notification of predictable memory failure
CY Cher, CHA Costa, Y Park, BS Rosenburg, KD Ryu
US Patent 9,535,774, 2017
Towards memory-optimized data shuffling patterns for big data analytics
B Nicolae, C Costa, C Misale, K Katrinis, Y Park
2016 16th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid …, 2016
Method and apparatus for faulty memory utilization
CY Cher, CHA Costa, Y Park, BS Rosenburg, KD Ryu
US Patent 9,317,350, 2016
SustNMS: Towards service oriented policy-based network management for energy-efficiency
CHA Costa, MC Amaral, GC Januário, TCMB Carvalho, C Meirosu
2012 Sustainable Internet and ICT for Sustainability (SustainIT), 1-5, 2012
Methods, apparatus and system for selective duplication of subtasks
CHA Costa, CY Cher, Y Park, BS Rosenburg, KD Ryu
US Patent 9,298,553, 2016
Method and apparatus for selective and power-aware memory error protection and memory management
CHA Costa, CY Cher, Y Park, BS Rosenburg, KD Ryu
US Patent 10,141,955, 2018
Towards a Methodology and Framework for AI Sustainability Metrics
T Eilam, P Bello-Maldonado, B Bhattacharjee, C Costa, EK Lee, ...
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Sustainable Computer Systems, 1-7, 2023
Evaluation of a policy-based network management system for energy-efficiency
GC Januário, CHA Costa, MC Amarai, AC Riekstin, TCMB Carvalho, ...
2013 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM …, 2013
Design of the IBM Blue Gene/Q compute chip
RA Haring
IBM Journal of Research and Development 57 (1), 1-12, 2013
Towards sustainable networks-energy efficiency policy from business to device instance levels
TCMB Carvalho, AC Riekstin, MC Amaral, CHA Costa, GC Januario, ...
International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems 2, 238-243, 2012
Optimization of genomics analysis pipeline for scalable performance in a cloud environment
CHA Costa, C Misale, F Liu, M Silva, H Franke, P Crumley, B D’Amora
2018 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM …, 2018
REASoN-REliability and/or availability evaluation for sustainable networking
MC Amaral, CHA Costa, TCMB Carvalho, C Meirosu
2012 IV International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and …, 2012
Checkpointing using compute node health information
CHA Costa, Y Park, CY Cher, B Rosenburg, RYU Kyung
US Patent 10,545,839, 2020
Preparation and optimization of a diverse workload for a large-scale heterogeneous system
I Karlin, Y Park, BR De Supinski, P Wang, B Still, D Beckingsale, R Blake, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2019
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Articles 1–20