Belloir Nicolas
Belloir Nicolas
Associate professor, Military Academy of St Cyr - Coëtquidan , France. IRISA labs. CREC St-Cyr
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Cited by
OCL contracts for the verification of model transformations
E Cariou, N Belloir, F Barbier, N Djemam
Electronic Communications of the EASST 24, 2009
Modeling and verification of functional and non-functional requirements of ambient self-adaptive systems
M Ahmad, N Belloir, JM Bruel
Journal of Systems and Software 107, 50-70, 2015
Component behavior prediction and monitoring through built-in test
F Barbier, N Belloir
10th IEEE International Conference and Workshop on the Engineering of …, 2003
Systems of systems: From mission definition to architecture description
I Cherfa, N Belloir, S Sadou, R Fleurquin, D Bennouar
Systems Engineering 22 (6), 437-454, 2019
VCU: the three dimensions of reuse
J Kienzle, G Mussbacher, O Alam, M Schöttle, N Belloir, P Collet, ...
Software Reuse: Bridging with Social-Awareness: 15th International …, 2016
A DSML for mobile phone applications testing
Y Ridene, N Belloir, F Barbier, N Couture
Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Domain-Specific Modeling, 1-6, 2010
Asset-oriented threat modeling
N Messe, V Chiprianov, N Belloir, J El-Hachem, R Fleurquin, S Sadou
2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in …, 2020
Using relax operators into an mde security requirement elicitation process for systems of systems
N Belloir, V Chiprianov, M Ahmad, M Munier, L Gallon, JM Bruel
Proceedings of the 2014 European Conference on Software Architecture …, 2014
Incorporation of test functionality into software components
F Barbier, N Belloir, JM Bruel
International Conference on COTS-Based Software Systems, 25-35, 2003
Utilisation de SysML pour la modélisation des réseaux de capteurs.
N Belloir, JM Bruel, N Hoang, C Pham
LMO, 169-184, 2008
Formal requirements engineering for smart industries: toward a model-based graphical language
A Le Borgne, N Belloir, JM Bruel, T Nguyen
2016 Intl IEEE Conferences on Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced …, 2016
Early analysis of ambient systems sysml properties using omega2-ifx
M Ahmad, I Dragomir, JM Bruel, I Ober, N Belloir
SIMULTECH 2013, 2013
Built-in contract testing for component-based development
HG Groß, C Atkinson, F Barbier, N Belloir, JM Bruel
Business Component-Based Software Engineering, 65-82, 2003
A conceptual characterization of fake news: a positioning paper
N Belloir, W Ouerdane, O Pastor, É Frugier, LA de Barmon
International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, 662-669, 2022
Whole-part relationships for software component combination
Belloir, Bruel, Barbier
2003 Proceedings 29th Euromicro Conference, 86-91, 2003
Formalisation de la relation tout-partie: application à l’assemblage de composants logiciels
N Belloir, JM Bruel, F Barbier
Actes des Journées composants: Flexibilité du système au langage (JC’2001), 2001
Involving the Application Domain Expert in the Construction of Systems of Systems
I Cherfa, S Sadou, N Belloir, R Fleurquin, D Bennouar
13th SoSE 2018: Paris, France, 335-342, 2018
Self-adaptive systems requirements modelling: Four related approaches comparison
M Ahmad, J Araújo, N Belloir, JM Bruel, C Gnaho, R Laleau, F Semmak
2013 3rd International Workshop on Comparing Requirements Modeling …, 2013
Réseaux de capteurs: Mise en place d’une plateforme de test et d’expérimentation
M Badnet, N Belloir
Master Technologie de l’Internet 1ère année, France 2006, 2005
Composition conceptuelle basée sur la relation Tout-Partie
N Belloir
Doctorat de l’université de Pau et des de l’Adour, soutenue le 9, 2004
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Articles 1–20