Nazimah Maqbool
Nazimah Maqbool
University of Sargodha, Lyallpur Campus, Faisalabad
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Allelopathy and abiotic stress interaction in crop plants
N Maqbool, A Wahid, M Farooq, ZA Cheema, KHM Siddique
Allelopathy: current trends and future applications, 451-468, 2013
Phytoremediation of soil cadmium using Chenopodium species
S Zulfiqar, A Wahid, M Farooq, N Maqbool, M Arfan
Pak. J. Agri. Sci 49 (4), 435-445, 2012
Enhancing the defensive mechanism of lead affected barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes by exogenously applied salicylic acid
T Arshad, N Maqbool, F Javed, A Wahid, MU Arshad
J Agric Sci 9 (2), 139-146, 2017
Effect of thiourea on physiological performance of two salt affected rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars
SM Zahra, A Wahid, N Maqbool, MH Ibrahim
Annu. res. rev. biol 27, 1-10, 2018
Exogenous application of thiourea ameliorates salt stress effects by alleviation of oxidative damage in hybrid maize
T Sanaullah, A Wahid, B Sadia, A Hanif, N Maqbool, T Arshad, Z Kabir
Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A 6, 220-231, 2016
Influence of foliar applied nitrogen on reproductive growth of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under water stress
M Haseeb, N Maqbool
Agricultural Sciences 6 (12), 1413-1420, 2015
Boosting antioxidant defense mechanism of mungbean with foliar application of gibberellic acid to alleviate cadmium toxicity
R Sadiq, N Maqbool, M Hussain, S Tehseen, M Naseer, T Rafique, ...
Plant Physiology Reports 26 (4), 741-748, 2021
Allelochemicals as growth stimulators for drought stressed maize
N Maqbool, R Sadiq
American Journal of Plant Sciences 8 (5), 985-997, 2017
Ameliorative effect of chelating agents on photosynthetic attributes of Cd stressed sunflower
R Sadiq, N Maqbool, M Haseeb
Agricultural Sciences 8 (2), 149-160, 2017
Exploring the role of sorgaab in improving water stress tolerance in maize at germination and vegetative growth stages
N Maqbool
M. Phil Thesis submitted to Department of Botany, University of Agriculture …, 2010
Morpho-anatomical changes in roots of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under drought stress condition
N Saeed, N Maqbool, M Haseeb, R Sadiq
J. Agric. Sci. Technol 6, 1-9, 2016
N Maqbool, A Wahid, M Farooq, ZA Cheema, KHM Siddique
Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 2013
Varied Patterns of Sprouting and Nutrient Status of Sugarcane Sprouts in Simulated and Natural Saline/Sodic Soils Across two Growing Seasons.
N Maqbool, A Wahid, S Basra
International Journal of Agriculture & Biology 18 (4), 2016
Acceleration of cadmium phytoextraction by sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in collaboration of Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid (EDTA)
R Sadiq, N Maqbool
American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences 16, 577-583, 2016
Vulnerability of Sunflower Germination and Metal Translocation under Heavy Metals Contamination
R Sadiq, N Maqbool, K Parveen, M Hussain
American Journal of Plant Sciences 10 (05), 738, 2019
Possible role of molecular mass of medium supplemented phenolics in improving rice growth in puddled saline condition.
K Tariq, A Wahid, N Maqbool, S Nawaz, M Islam
Exogenous supplementation of PGPs improves secondary metabolites and essential nutrients of Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana) under drought stress.
F Ahmadzai, K Shaukat, HM Akram, A Wahid, N Maqbool
Concentrational study of nutrients related to chelators assisted sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) from artificially cadmium-contaminated soil.
R Sadiq, N Maqbool, A Javaid, M Naseer, A Zikrea, T Rafique
Journal of Applied Botany & Food Quality 96, 2023
Vulnerability of sunflower germination and metal translocation under heavy metals contamination.
RS Rumana Sadiq, NM Nazimah Maqbool, BUN Bader-Un-Nisa, ...
Ameliorative effect of chelating agents on photosynthetic attributes of Cd stressed sunflower.
RS Rumana Sadiq, NM Nazimah Maqbool, MH Muhammad Haseeb
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Articles 1–20