Christoph Haase
Cited by
Cited by
Tractable Reasoning in a Fragment of Separation Logic
B Cook, C Haase, J Ouaknine, M Parkinson, J Worrell
CONCUR 2011–Concurrency Theory, 235-249, 2011
Reachability in Succinct and Parametric One-Counter Automata
C Haase, S Kreutzer, J Ouaknine, J Worrell
CONCUR 2009-Concurrency Theory, 369-383, 2009
A survival guide to Presburger arithmetic
C Haase
ACM SIGLOG News 5 (3), 67-82, 2018
Foundations for Decision Problems in Separation Logic with General Inductive Predicates
T Antonopoulos, N Gorogiannis, C Haase, M Kanovich, J Ouaknine
FoSSaCS 2014–Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures …, 2014
Ideal Downward Refinement in the EL Description Logic
J Lehmann, C Haase
International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, 73-87, 2009
Reachability in Two-Dimensional Vector Addition Systems with States is PSPACE-complete
M Blondin, A Finkel, S Göller, C Haase, P McKenzie
LICS 2015–Logic in Computer Science, 2015
Integer Vector Addition Systems with States
C Haase, S Halfon
RP 2014–Reachability Problems, 112-124, 2014
The odds of staying on budget
C Haase, S Kiefer
ICALP 2015–Automata, Languages and Programming 9135, 234-246, 2015
The Taming of the Semi-Linear Set
D Chistikov, C Haase
ICALP 2016 – Automata, Languages and Programming, 128:1–128:13, 2016
Subclasses of Presburger Arithmetic and the Weak EXP Hierarchy
C Haase
CSL-LICS 2014–Joint Meeting of Computer Science Logic and Logic in Computer …, 2014
On the Complexity of Model Checking Counter Automata
C Haase
PhD thesis, University of Oxford, UK, 2012
Model Checking Succinct and Parametric One-Counter Automata
S Göller, C Haase, J Ouaknine, J Worrell
ICALP 2010–Automata, Languages and Programming, 575-586, 2010
Approaching the Coverability Problem Continuously
M Blondin, A Finkel, C Haase, S Haddad
TACAS 2016 - Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 2016
The Power of Priority Channel Systems
C Haase, P Schnoebelen, S Schmitz
Logical Methods in Computer Science 10 (4), 2014
Complexity of Subsumption in the EL Family of Description Logics: Acyclic and cyclic TBoxes
C Haase, C Lutz
ECAI 2008–European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 25-29, 2008
SeLoger: A Tool for Graph-Based Reasoning in Separation Logic
C Haase, S Ishtiaq, J Ouaknine, MJ Parkinson
CAV 2013–Computer Aided Verification, 790-795, 2013
The logical view on continuous Petri nets
M Blondin, A Finkel, C Haase, S Haddad
ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL) 18 (3), 1-28, 2017
Reachability in Register Machines with Polynomial Updates
A Finkel, S Göller, C Haase
MFCS 2013–Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, 409-402, 2013
Affine extensions of integer vector addition systems with states
M Raskin, F Mazowiecki, C Haase, M Blondin
Logical Methods in Computer Science 17, 2021
Directed Reachability for Infinite-State Systems
M Blondin, C Haase, P Offtermatt
TACAS 2021–Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 2021
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Articles 1–20