Tommi Kärkkäinen
Tommi Kärkkäinen
Professor of Mathematical Information Technology, University of Jyvaskyla
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Cited by
Guided ultrasonic waves in long bones: modelling, experiment and in vivo application
PHF Nicholson, P Moilanen, T Kärkkäinen, J Timonen, S Cheng
Physiological measurement 23 (4), 755, 2002
More convnets in the 2020s: Scaling up kernels beyond 51x51 using sparsity
S Liu, T Chen, X Chen, X Chen, Q Xiao, B Wu, T Kärkkäinen, ...
ICLR 2023 preprint arXiv:2207.03620, 2023
Comparison of internal clustering validation indices for prototype-based clustering
J Hämäläinen, S Jauhiainen, T Kärkkäinen
Algorithms 10 (3), 105, 2017
An enhanced memetic differential evolution in filter design for defect detection in paper production
V Tirronen, F Neri, T Kärkkäinen, K Majava, T Rossi
Evolutionary Computation 16 (4), 529-555, 2008
Introduction to partitioning-based clustering methods with a robust example
S Äyrämö, T Kärkkäinen
Reports of the Department of Mathematical Information Technology. Series C …, 2006
Student agency analytics: Learning analytics as a tool for analysing student agency in higher education
P Jääskelä, V Heilala, T Kärkkäinen, P Häkkinen
Behaviour & Information Technology 40 (8), 790-808, 2021
Augmented Lagrangian active set methods for obstacle problems
T Kärkkäinen, K Kunisch, P Tarvainen
Journal of optimization theory and applications 119, 499-533, 2003
Assessment of the tibia using ultrasonic guided waves in pubertal girls
P Moilanen, PHF Nicholson, T Kärkkäinen, Q Wang, J Timonen, S Cheng
Osteoporosis international 14, 1020-1027, 2003
One dimensional convolutional neural networks for seizure onset detection using long-term scalp and intracranial EEG
X Wang, X Wang, W Liu, Z Chang, T Kärkkäinen, F Cong
Neurocomputing 459, 212-222, 2021
Automated software license analysis
T Tuunanen, J Koskinen, T Kärkkäinen
Automated Software Engineering 16, 455-490, 2009
Fitness diversity based adaptation in multimeme algorithms: A comparative study
F Neri, V Tirronen, T Karkkainen, T Rossi
2007 IEEE congress on evolutionary computation, 2374-2381, 2007
Robust formulations for training multilayer perceptrons
T Kärkkäinen, E Heikkola
Neural Computation 16 (4), 837-862, 2004
How pedagogical agents communicate with students: A two-phase systematic review
P Sikström, C Valentini, A Sivunen, T Kärkkäinen
Computers & Education 188, 104564, 2022
Detection of developmental dyslexia with machine learning using eye movement data
P Raatikainen, J Hautala, O Loberg, T Kärkkäinen, P Leppänen, ...
Array 12, 100087, 2021
Analysing student performance using sparse data of core bachelor courses
M Saarela, T Kärkkäinen
Journal of educational data mining 7 (1), 2015
Online mass flow prediction in CFB boilers with explicit detection of sudden concept drift
M Pechenizkiy, J Bakker, I Žliobaitė, A Ivannikov, T Kärkkäinen
ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter 11 (2), 109-116, 2010
Using Slack for computer-mediated communication to support higher education students’ peer interactions during Master’s thesis seminar
A Tuhkala, T Kärkkäinen
Education and Information Technologies 23 (6), 2379-2397, 2018
A memetic differential evolution in filter design for defect detection in paper production
V Tirronen, F Neri, T Karkkainen, K Majava, T Rossi
Applications of Evolutionary Computing: EvoWorkshops 2007: EvoCoMnet, EvoFIN …, 2007
A New Augmented Lagrangian Approach for -mean Curvature Image Denoising
M Myllykoski, R Glowinski, T Karkkainen, T Rossi
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 8 (1), 95-125, 2015
Technology Comprehension—Combining computing, design, and societal reflection as a national subject
A Tuhkala, ML Wagner, OS Iversen, T Kärkkäinen
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 20, 54-63, 2019
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Articles 1–20