A.J.B. Kemperman
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Stability of supported liquid membranes: state of the art
AJB Kemperman∗, D Bargeman, T Van Den Boomgaard, H Strathmann
Separation science and technology 31 (20), 2733-2762, 1996
Preparation of zeolite filled glassy polymer membranes
JM Duval, AJB Kemperman, B Folkers, MHV Mulder, G Desgrandchamps, ...
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 54 (4), 409-418, 1994
Two-phase flow in membrane processes: A technology with a future
Y Wibisono, ER Cornelissen, AJB Kemperman, WGJ Van Der Meer, ...
Journal of membrane science 453, 566-602, 2014
An improved flux-step method to determine the critical flux and the critical flux for irreversibility in a membrane bioreactor
P van der Marel, A Zwijnenburg, A Kemperman, M Wessling, H Temmink, ...
Journal of membrane science 332 (1-2), 24-29, 2009
Influence of membrane properties on fouling in submerged membrane bioreactors
P van der Marel, A Zwijnenburg, A Kemperman, M Wessling, H Temmink, ...
Journal of membrane science 348 (1-2), 66-74, 2010
pH stable thin film composite polyamine nanofiltration membranes by interfacial polymerisation
KP Lee, J Zheng, G Bargeman, AJB Kemperman, NE Benes
Journal of membrane science 478, 75-84, 2015
Handbook bipolar membrane technology
AJB Kemperman
Twente University Press (TUP), 2000
Stabilization of supported liquid membranes by interfacial polymerization top layers
AJB Kemperman, HHM Rolevink, D Bargeman, T Van den Boomgaard, ...
Journal of membrane science 138 (1), 43-55, 1998
Hollow fiber dead-end ultrafiltration: Influence of ionic environment on filtration of alginates
WJC Van de Ven, K van’t Sant, IGM Pünt, A Zwijnenburg, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 308 (1-2), 218-229, 2008
Interfacial polymerization of cyanuric chloride and monomeric amines: pH resistant thin film composite polyamine nanofiltration membranes
KP Lee, G Bargeman, R de Rooij, AJB Kemperman, NE Benes
Journal of membrane science 523, 487-496, 2017
Native protein recovery from potato fruit juice by ultrafiltration
HJ Zwijnenberg, AJB Kemperman, ME Boerrigter, M Lotz, JF Dijksterhuis, ...
Desalination 144 (1-3), 331-334, 2002
High loaded MBRs for organic matter recovery from sewage: effect of solids retention time on bioflocculation and on the role of extracellular polymers
L Faust, H Temmink, A Zwijnenburg, AJB Kemperman, HHM Rijnaarts
Water research 56, 258-266, 2014
Forward osmosis: A critical review
M Mohammadifakhr, J de Grooth, HDW Roesink, AJB Kemperman
Processes 8 (4), 404, 2020
Impacts of NF concentrate recirculation on membrane performance in an integrated MBR and NF membrane process for wastewater treatment
C Kappel, AJB Kemperman, H Temmink, A Zwijnenburg, HHM Rijnaarts, ...
Journal of membrane science 453, 359-368, 2014
Silt density index and modified fouling index relation, and effect of pressure, temperature and membrane resistance
A Alhadidi, AJB Kemperman, B Blankert, JC Schippers, M Wessling, ...
Desalination 273 (1), 48-56, 2011
Impact of backwash water composition on ultrafiltration fouling control
S Li, SGJ Heijman, J Verberk, ARD Verliefde, AJB Kemperman, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 344 (1-2), 17-25, 2009
Effect of dissolved oxygen concentration on the bioflocculation process in high loaded MBRs
L Faust, H Temmink, A Zwijnenburg, AJB Kemperman, HHM Rijnaarts
Water research 66, 199-207, 2014
Biofouling removal in spiral-wound nanofiltration elements using two-phase flow cleaning
Y Wibisono, KE El Obied, ER Cornelissen, AJB Kemperman, K Nijmeijer
Journal of membrane science 475, 131-146, 2015
Tight ceramic UF membrane as RO pre-treatment: The role of electrostatic interactions on phosphate rejection
R Shang, ARD Verliefde, J Hu, Z Zeng, J Lu, AJB Kemperman, H Deng, ...
Water research 48, 498-507, 2014
Fouling control mechanisms of demineralized water backwash: Reduction of charge screening and calcium bridging effects
S Li, SGJ Heijman, J Verberk, P Le Clech, J Lu, AJB Kemperman, GL Amy, ...
Water research 45 (19), 6289-6300, 2011
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Articles 1–20