Quaid Iqbal
Cited by
Cited by
Nanoparticles impacts on natural convection nanofluid flow and heat transfer inside a square cavity with fixed a circular obstacle
U Rashid, D Lu, Q Iqbal
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 44, 102829, 2023
Hypercubes are determined by their distance spectra
JH Koolen, S Hayat, Q Iqbal
Linear Algebra and its Applications 505, 97-108, 2016
Degree‐Based Indices of Some Complex Networks
L Ding, SA Ul Haq Bokhary, MU Rehman, U Ali, H Mubeen, Q Iqbal, ...
Journal of Mathematics 2021 (1), 5531357, 2021
Gravitational collapse of dark matter interacting with dark energy: Black hole formation
HH Shah, Q Iqbal
International Journal of Modern Physics D 26 (13), 1750142, 2017
Distance-regular graphs with diameter 3 and eigenvalue a2− c3
Q Iqbal, JH Koolen, J Park, MU Rehman
Linear Algebra and its Applications 587, 271-290, 2020
Multi-attribute group decision-making problem based on some induced Einstein aggregation operators under complex fuzzy environment
K Rahman, Q Iqbal
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 44 (1), 421-453, 2023
Some studies in fuzzy non-associative semigroups
F Yousafzai, MM Khalaf, MUI Khan, A Borumand Saeid, Q Iqbal
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 32 (3), 1917-1930, 2017
Generalized ideals in ordered left almost semigroups
V Amjid, F Yousafzai, Q Iqbal
Afrika Matematika 28 (3), 605-614, 2017
Advanced logarithmic aggregation operators for enhanced decision-making in uncertain environments
Q Iqbal, S Kalsoom
Int J. Knowl. Innov Stud 2 (2), 57-69, 2024
Efficacy of induced complex aggregation operators in multi-attribute decision-making with confidence levels
Q Iqbal, ZU Khan
Acadlore Trans. Appl Math. Stat 2 (2), 64-71, 2024
Cyclone disaster assessment based on Fermatean hesitant fuzzy information and extended TOPSIS method
A Khan, M Aslam, Q Iqbal
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 44 (6), 10633-10660, 2023
There Does Not Exist a Distance-Regular Graph with Intersection Array
JH Koolen, Q Iqbal, J Park, M Ur Rehman
Graphs and Combinatorics 35 (6), 1597-1608, 2019
Some Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Carbon Nanotubes: A Computational Aspect
S Hayat, A Khan, F Yousafzai, Q Iqbal
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 12 (12), 5095-5102, 2015
High Speed Cylindrical Gravitational Collapse with Anisotropic Pressure
Q Iqbal, HH Shah, Z Ahmad
Universe 4 (6), 70, 2018
Research Article Degree-Based Indices of Some Complex Networks
L Ding, SAUH Bokhary, MU Rehman, U Ali, H Mubeen, Q Iqbal, JB Liu
Some Results on Distance-regular Graphs
Q Iqbal
中国科学技术大学, 2019
Corrigendum to “Hypercubes are determined by their distance spectra”[Linear Algebra Appl. 505 (2016) 97–108]
JH Koolen, S Hayat, Q Iqbal
Linear Algebra and its Applications 506, 628-629, 2016
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Articles 1–17