Tonci Caric
Tonci Caric
University of Zagreb Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences
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A Survey on the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem: Variants and Solution Approaches
T Erdelić, T Carić
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2019, 2019
Vehicle routing problem
T Caric, H Gold
InTech, 2008
Estimating congestion zones and travel time indexes based on the floating car data
T Erdelić, T Carić, M Erdelić, L Tišljarić, A Turković, N Jelušić
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 87, 101604, 2021
A modelling and optimization framework for real-world vehicle routing problems
T Carić, A Galić, J Fosin, H Gold, A Reinholz
Vehicle Routing Problem, 2008
Traffic state estimation and classification on citywide scale using speed transition matrices
L Tišljarić, T Carić, B Abramović, T Fratrović
Sustainability 12 (18), 7278, 2020
Electric vehicle routing problem with single or multiple recharges
T Erdelić, T Carić, M Erdelić, L Tišljarić
Transportation Research Procedia 40, 217-224, 2019
Solving practical vehicle routing problem with time windows using metaheuristic algorithms
F Taner, A Galić, T Carić
PROMET-traffic&Transportation 24 (4), 343-351, 2012
A gpu implementation of local search operators for symmetric travelling salesman problem
J Fosin, D Davidović, T Carić
PROMET-Traffic&Transportation 25 (3), 225-234, 2013
Using data mining to forecast uncertain demands in stochastic vehicle routing problem
H Markovic, I Cavar, T Caric
13th International Symposium on Elecronics in Transport (ISEP), Slovenia, 1-6, 2005
Using Congestion Zones for Solving the Time Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem
T Carić, J Fosin
Promet-Traffic&Transportation 32 (1), 25-38, 2020
Analysis of Socio-spatial Differentiation in Transport Mode Choice Preferences
GM Miletić, S Gašparović, T Carić
PROMET-Traffic&Transportation 29 (2), 233-242, 2017
Travel time prediction using speed profiles for road network of Croatia
T Erdelić, M Ravlić, T Carić
ELMAR, 2016 International Symposium, 97-100, 2016
Classification of Travel Modes Using Streaming GNSS Data
M Erdelić, T Carić, E Ivanjko, N Jelušić
Transportation Research Procedia 40, 209-216, 2019
Vehicle Routing Optimization Using Multiple Local Search Improvements
J Fosin, T Carić, E Ivanjko
automatika 55 (2), 124-132, 2014
The case study of implementing the delivery optimization system at a fast-moving consumer goods distributer
A Galić, T Carić, J Fosin
PROMET-Traffic&Transportation 25 (6), 595-603, 2013
Analysis of Intersection Queue Lengths and Level of Service using GPS data
L Tišljarić, T Erdelić, T Carić
60th International Symposium ELMAR-2018, 2018
Motorway Bottleneck Probability Estimation in Connected Vehicles Environment Using Speed Transition Matrices
L Tišljarić, F Vrbanić, E Ivanjko, T Carić
Sensors 22 (7), 2807, 2022
Empirical analysis of two different metaheuristics for real-world vehicle routing problems
T Carić, J Fosin, A Galić, H Gold, A Reinholz
International Workshop on Hybrid Metaheuristics, 31-44, 2007
Predicting waiting times at intersections
T Erdelić, T Carić, M Ravlić
ELMAR, 2017 International Symposium, 31-34, 2017
Solving the Time Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem Using Real-world Speed Profile
L Rozic, J Fosin, T Caric
Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, 193, 2015
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Articles 1–20