Tomislav Lipic
Cited by
Cited by
Social physics
M Jusup, P Holme, K Kanazawa, M Takayasu, I Romić, Z Wang, S Geček, ...
Physics Reports 948, 1-148, 2022
Fine-tuning convolutional neural networks for fine art classification
E Cetinic, T Lipic, S Grgic
Expert Systems with Applications 114, 107-118, 2018
A deep learning perspective on beauty, sentiment, and remembrance of art
E Cetinic, T Lipic, S Grgic
IEEE access 7, 73694-73710, 2019
4D thermal imaging system for medical applications
K Skala, T Lipić, I Sović, L Gjenero, I Grubišić
Periodicum biologorum 113 (4), 407-416, 2011
Coastal water quality prediction based on machine learning with feature interpretation and spatio-temporal analysis
L Grbčić, S Družeta, G Mauša, T Lipić, DV Lušić, M Alvir, I Lučin, A Sikirica, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 155, 105458, 2022
The cost of attack in competing networks
B Podobnik, D Horvatic, T Lipic, M Perc, JM Buldu, HE Stanley
Journal of the royal society interface 12 (112), 20150770, 2015
Learning the principles of art history with convolutional neural networks
E Cetinic, T Lipic, S Grgic
Pattern Recognition Letters 129, 56-62, 2020
Brainhack: Developing a culture of open, inclusive, community-driven neuroscience
R Gau, S Noble, K Heuer, KL Bottenhorn, IP Bilgin, YF Yang, ...
Neuron 109 (11), 1769-1775, 2021
Explainability in reinforcement learning: perspective and position
A Krajna, M Brcic, T Lipic, J Doncevic
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.11547, 2022
Implementation framework for artificial neural networks on fpga
P Škoda, T Lipić, À Srp, BM Rogina, K Skala, F Vajda
2011 Proceedings of the 34th International Convention MIPRO, 274-278, 2011
Bio-inspired clustering and data diffusion in machine social networks
I Bojic, T Lipic, V Podobnik
Computational social networks: Mining and visualization, 51-79, 2012
Active 3D scanning based 3D thermography system and medical applications
I Grubišić, L Gjenero, T Lipić, I Sović, T Skala
2011 Proceedings of the 34th International Convention MIPRO, 269-273, 2011
Predicting the lifetime of dynamic networks experiencing persistent random attacks
B Podobnik, T Lipic, D Horvatic, A Majdandzic, SR Bishop, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 14286, 2015
Benchmarking attention-based interpretability of deep learning in multivariate time series predictions
D Barić, P Fumić, D Horvatić, T Lipic
Entropy 23 (2), 143, 2021
Human-centric AI: the symbiosis of human and artificial intelligence
D Horvatić, T Lipic
Entropy 23 (3), 332, 2021
Extending the JADE Agent Behaviour Model with JBehaviourTrees Framework
I Bojic, T Lipic, M Kusek, G Jezic
Agent and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications: 5th KES …, 2011
Medical 3D thermography system
I Grubišić, L Gjenero, T Lipić, I Sović, T Skala
Periodicum biologorum 113 (4), 401-406, 2011
The new wealth of nations: How STEM fields generate the prosperity and inequality of individuals, companies, and countries
B Podobnik, GC Crawford, B Lichtenstein, T Lipic, D Wild, X Zhang, ...
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 141, 110323, 2020
Delivering bioinformatics mapreduce applications in the cloud
L Forer, T Lipic, S Schönherr, H Weißensteiner, D Davidovic, ...
2014 37th International Convention on Information and Communication …, 2014
Vital fitness and health telemonitoring of elderly people
N Kiss, G Patai, P Hanák, T Lipic, P Skoda, L Gjenero, A Dubravic, ...
2011 Proceedings of the 34th International Convention MIPRO, 279-284, 2011
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Articles 1–20