Philip J.B. Jackson
Philip J.B. Jackson
Professor, CVSSP, Univ. of Surrey, UK
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Surrey audio-visual expressed emotion (savee) database
P Jackson, S Haq
University of Surrey: Guildford, UK, 2014
Speaker Dependent Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition
S Haq, PJB Jackson
BMVA Symposium on Facial Analysis and Animation, Edinburgh, UK, 2009
Audio-visual feature selection and reduction for emotion classification.
S Haq, PJB Jackson, JD Edge
AVSP, 185-190, 2008
Multimodal emotion recognition
S Haq, PJB Jackson
Machine audition: principles, algorithms and systems, 398-423, 2011
Acoustic contrast, planarity and robustness of sound zone methods using a circular loudspeaker array
P Coleman, PJB Jackson, M Olik, M Møller, M Olsen, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135 (4), 1929-1940, 2014
Pitch-scaled estimation of simultaneous voiced and turbulence-noise components in speech
PJB Jackson, CH Shadle
IEEE transactions on speech and audio processing 9 (7), 713-726, 2001
Machine Audition: Principles, Algorithms and Systems, chapter Multimodal Emotion Recognition
S Haq, P Jackson
IGI Global, Hershey PA, 398-423, 2010
Unsupervised feature learning based on deep models for environmental audio tagging
Y Xu, Q Huang, W Wang, P Foster, S Sigtia, PJB Jackson, MD Plumbley
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 25 (6), 1230 …, 2017
Personal audio with a planar bright zone
P Coleman, PJB Jackson, M Olik, J Abildgaard Pedersen
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 136 (4), 1725-1735, 2014
Object-based reverberation for spatial audio
P Coleman, A Franck, P Jackson, RJ Hughes, L Remaggi, F Melchior
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 65 (1/2), 2017
Immersive spatial audio reproduction for vr/ar using room acoustic modelling from 360 images
H Kim, L Remaggi, PJB Jackson, A Hilton
2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 120-126, 2019
An audio-visual system for object-based audio: from recording to listening
P Coleman, A Franck, J Francombe, Q Liu, T De Campos, RJ Hughes, ...
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 20 (8), 1919-1931, 2018
Acoustic reflector localization: Novel image source reversion and direct localization methods
L Remaggi, PJB Jackson, P Coleman, W Wang
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 25 (2), 296-309, 2016
Statistical identification of articulation constraints in the production of speech
PJB Jackson, VD Singampalli
Speech Communication 51 (8), 695-710, 2009
Multi-planar dynamic magnetic resonance imaging: new tools for speech research
CH Shadle, M Mohammad, JN Carter, PJB Jackson
International Congress of Phonetics Sciences, 623-626, 1999
Optimizing the planarity of sound zones
P Coleman, P Jackson, M Olik, JA Pedersen
Audio Engineering Society Conference: 52nd International Conference: Sound …, 2013
System, devices and methods for predicting the perceived spatial quality of sound processing and reproducing equipment
F Rumsey, S Zielinski, P Jackson, M Dewhirst, R Conetta, S George, ...
US Patent App. 12/411,108, 2009
Joint mixing vector and binaural model based stereo source separation
A Alinaghi, PJB Jackson, Q Liu, W Wang
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing 22 (9), 1434 …, 2014
A perceptually-weighted deep neural network for monaural speech enhancement in various background noise conditions
Q Liu, W Wang, PJB Jackson, Y Tang
2017 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 1270-1274, 2017
Source separation of convolutive and noisy mixtures using audio-visual dictionary learning and probabilistic time-frequency masking
Q Liu, W Wang, PJB Jackson, M Barnard, J Kittler, J Chambers
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61 (22), 5520-5535, 2013
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Articles 1–20