Daniel Brito
Daniel Brito
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Ultrasonic Doppler velocimetry in liquid gallium
D Brito, HC Nataf, P Cardin, J Aubert, JP Masson
Experiments in fluids 31 (6), 653-663, 2001
A systematic experimental study of rapidly rotating spherical convection in water and liquid gallium
J Aubert, D Brito, HC Nataf, P Cardin, JP Masson
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 128 (1-4), 51-74, 2001
Impact of water saturation on seismoelectric transfer functions: a laboratory study of coseismic phenomenon
C Bordes, P Sénéchal, J Barrière, D Brito, E Normandin, D Jougnot
Geophysical Journal International 200 (3), 1317-1335, 2015
Seismoelectric wave propagation numerical modelling in partially saturated materials
S Warden, S Garambois, L Jouniaux, D Brito, P Sailhac, C Bordes
Geophysical Journal International 194 (3), 1498-1513, 2013
Rotating spherical Couette flow in a dipolar magnetic field: experimental study of magneto-inertial waves
D Schmitt, T Alboussiere, D Brito, P Cardin, N Gagnière, D Jault, HC Nataf
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 604, 175-197, 2008
On the existence and structure of a mush at the inner core boundary of the Earth
R Deguen, T Alboussière, D Brito
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 164 (1-2), 36-49, 2007
Towards a rapidly rotating liquid sodium dynamo experiment
P Cardin, D Brito, D Jault, HC Nataf, JP Masson
Magnetohydrodynamics c/c of Magnitnaia Gidrodinamika 38, 177-189, 2002
Experimental evidence of inertial waves in a precessing spheroidal cavity
J Noir, D Brito, K Aldridge, P Cardin
Geophysical Research Letters 28 (19), 3785-3788, 2001
Experimental study of super-rotation in a magnetostrophic spherical Couette flow
HC Nataf, T Alboussière, D Brito, P Cardin, N Gagnière, D Jault, ...
Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 100 (4-5), 281-298, 2006
Mechanics of inner core super‐rotation
JM Aurnou, D Brito, PL Olson
Geophysical research letters 23 (23), 3401-3404, 1996
Laboratory monitoring of P waves in partially saturated sand
J Barrière, C Bordes, D Brito, P Sénéchal, H Perroud
Geophysical Journal International 191 (3), 1152-1170, 2012
Experimental and numerical studies of convection in a rapidly rotating spherical shell
N Gillet, D Brito, D Jault, HC Nataf
Journal of fluid mechanics 580, 83-121, 2007
Rapidly rotating spherical Couette flow in a dipolar magnetic field: an experimental study of the mean axisymmetric flow
HC Nataf, T Alboussiere, D Brito, P Cardin, N Gagnière, D Jault, D Schmitt
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 170 (1-2), 60-72, 2008
Experimental quantification of the seismoelectric transfer function and its dependence on conductivity and saturation in loose sand
J Holzhauer, D Brito, C Bordes, Y Brun, B Guatarbes
Geophysical Prospecting 65 (4), 1097-1120, 2017
Experimental study of a geostrophic vortex of gallium in a transverse magnetic field
D Brito, P Cardin, HC Nataf, G Marolleau
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 91 (1-3), 77-98, 1995
Zonal shear and super-rotation in a magnetized spherical Couette-flow experiment
D Brito, T Alboussiere, P Cardin, N Gagnière, D Jault, P La Rizza, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 83 (6 …, 2011
Turbulent viscosity measurements relevant to planetary core-mantle dynamics
D Brito, J Aurnou, P Cardin
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 141 (1), 3-8, 2004
Anomalous rotation of the inner core and the toroidal magnetic field
J Aurnou, D Brito, P Olson
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 103 (B5), 9721-9738, 1998
Analysis of ballistic waves in seismic noise monitoring of water table variations in a water field site: added value from numerical modelling to data understanding
S Garambois, C Voisin, MA Romero Guzman, D Brito, B Guillier, ...
Geophysical Journal International 219 (3), 1636-1647, 2019
Mesoscale dynamics on the Sun's surface from HINODE observations
T Roudier, M Rieutord, D Brito, F Rincon, JM Malherbe, N Meunier, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 495 (3), 945-952, 2009
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Articles 1–20