Shaomin Li
Shaomin Li
Eminent Scholar and Professor of International Business, Old Dominion University
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National adoption of international accounting standards: An institutional perspective
W Judge, S Li, R Pinsker
Corporate governance: an international review 18 (3), 161-174, 2010
The impact of order and mode of market entry on profitability and market share
Y Pan, S Li, DK Tse
Journal of International Business Studies 30, 81-103, 1999
Market liberalization and firm performance during China's economic transition
SH Park, S Li, DK Tse
Journal of International Business Studies 37, 127-147, 2006
CSR communication intensity in Chinese and Indian multinational companies
C Lattemann, M Fetscherin, I Alon, S Li, AM Schneider
Corporate Governance: An International Review 17 (4), 426-442, 2009
Corporate social responsibility in emerging markets: The importance of the governance environment
S Li, M Fetscherin, I Alon, C Lattemann, K Yeh
Management international review 50, 635-654, 2010
The road to capitalism: Competition and institutional change in China
S Li, S Li, W Zhang
Journal of Comparative Economics 28 (2), 269-292, 2000
The effects of the governance environment on the choice of investment mode and the strategic implications
S Li, L Filer
Journal of World Business 42 (1), 80-98, 2007
Costs and benefits of XBRL adoption: Early evidence
R Pinsker, S Li
Communications of the ACM 51 (3), 47-50, 2008
Regime type and COVID-19 response
I Alon, M Farrell, S Li
FIIB Business Review 9 (3), 152-160, 2020
Usage of public corporate communications of social responsibility in Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC)
I Alon, C Lattemann, M Fetscherin, S Li, AM Schneider
International Journal of Emerging Markets 5 (1), 6-22, 2010
The roles and performance of state firms and non-state firms in China’s economic transition
S Li, J Xia
World Development 36 (1), 39-54, 2008
The impact of FDI on the productivity of domestic firms: the case of China
D Zhou, S Li, KT David
International Business Review 11 (4), 465-484, 2002
The great leap forward: The transition from relation-based governance to rule-based governance
S Li, SH Park, S Li
Organizational Dynamics 33 (1), 63-78, 2003
Globalization of Chinese firms theoretical universalism or particularism
I Alon, J Child, S Li, JR McIntyre
Management and organization review 7 (2), 191-200, 2011
Why some countries thrive despite corruption: The role of trust in the corruption–efficiency relationship
S Li, J Wu
Review of International Political Economy 17 (1), 129-154, 2010
The effect of age misreporting in China on the calculation of mortality rates at very high ages
AJ Coale, S Li
Demography 28 (2), 293-301, 1991
Does diversification add firm value in emerging economies? Effect of corporate governance
YC Lien, S Li
Journal of business research 66 (12), 2425-2430, 2013
Determinants of locations of foreign direct investment in China
S Li, SH Park
Management and Organization Review 2 (1), 95-119, 2006
Survival analysis
S Li
Marketing Research 7 (4), 17-23, 1995
When iron fist, visible hand, and invisible hand meet: Firm-level effects of varying institutional environments in China
J Tan, S Li, J Xia
Journal of Business Research 60 (7), 786-794, 2007
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Articles 1–20