Simina Stefania MARIS
Simina Stefania MARIS
Ioan Slavici University
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Cited by
Cited by
Usage of artificial neural networks for optimal bankruptcy forecasting. Case study: Eastern European small manufacturing enterprises
T Slavici, S Maris, M Pirtea
Quality & Quantity 50, 385-398, 2016
Determining efficient mixtures of biomass for pellet production.
S Maris, LM Cernescu, SA Maris, D Darvasi, T Slavici
Contribuții la optimizarea proceselor de fabricare a peleților și brichetelor folosind elemente de inteligență artificială, statistică și cercetări operaționale
SȘ Mariș
Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara, 2023
Agribusiness projects assessment using cost-benefit analyses.
A Filipovici, AV Mnerie, D Bădescu, M Bota, S Maris, V Baesu, T Slavici, ...
Artificial Intelligence as a Decision-making Tool in Planning the Research
S Maris, T Slavici, P Nenu, L Baciu
BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience 8 (3), 69-76, 2017
Estimating the calorific value of pellets from different blends of biomass.
S Maris, PF Nenu, SA Maris, T Slavici
Mathematical function of a signal generator for voltage dips analysis
F Molnar-Matei, M Iovan, S Maris
2013 UKSim 15th International Conference on Computer Modelling and …, 2013
Using ICT support for STEM education in disadvantaged youth learning
S Maris, ŞA Mariş, N Cojocariu, M Humiţa
2018 International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC), 1-4, 2018
Re-shaping education: Role of internet resources in increasing the efficiency of the educational process
S Maris, SA Maris, L Dungan, T Slavici
BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience 9 (1), 132-137, 2018
Use of biomass in coal steam boilers.
PF Nenu, SA Maris, L Forgacs, S Maris
Financing Methods For Innovative Start-Ups In The Domain Of Nonconventional Energies
S Maris, P Nenu, S Maris, L Cernescu
Revista de Tehnologii Neconventionale 20 (3), 65, 2016
Evaluation of medical engineered plastics processing risk
R Szuhanek, S Camelia, T Fleser, M Simina
RevistaMaterialeplastice, Bucuresti, 2015
Linear Programming Tool for the Optimization of Mixed Biomass Fuel Recipes
DA Ionica, SA Maris, R Dicu, S Maris
BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience 10 (3 …, 2019
Possibilities of using the robots in greenhouses.
SA Maris, D Tucu, T Banabatsas, V Nagy, S Maris, PF Nenu
Numerical simulation of the solidification process for a binary alloy in a Bridgman-Stockbarger installation
AMB S. Maris, A. Neculae
9th National Conference of the Romanian Mathematical Society, 2005
Numerical Study of the Fluid Flow and Interface Deflection for Crystals Grown by Bridgman Technique
S Maris, L Braescu
International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences …, 2011
Contemporary manufacturing techniques used in agricultural engineering.
AC Cazan, C Bejerita, A Suta, AA Voinescu, LG Matei, S Maris, D Botez, ...
Statistical methods and artificial neural networks in the optimization of heating pellets and briquettes.
C Bejerita, AC Cazan, N Condescu-Ularu, L Dorneanu, C Cosariu, ...
Coding with Patience (Programare cu Rabdare)–a Non-Formal Educational Initiative to Increase the ICT Skills
B Patrut, SA Maris, S Maris
Postmodern Openings 11 (3), 290-302, 2020
Risk Modeling in Plastics Processing for the Health System
R Szuhanek, T Fleser, S Maris, C Szuhanek
Revista Materiale plastice 54 (1), 2016
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Articles 1–20