Juraj Fosin
Juraj Fosin
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, Department of ITS
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Cited by
A modelling and optimization framework for real-world vehicle routing problems
T Carić, A Galić, J Fosin, H Gold, A Reinholz
IntechOpen, 2008
A GPU implementation of local search operators for symmetric travelling salesman problem
J Fosin, D Davidović, T Carić
Promet-Traffic&Transportation 25 (3), 225-234, 2013
Using congestion zones for solving the time dependent vehicle routing problem
T Carić, J Fosin
Promet-Traffic&Transportation 32 (1), 25-38, 2020
Vehicle routing optimization using multiple local search improvements
J Fosin, T Carić, E Ivanjko
automatika 55 (2), 124-132, 2014
The case study of implementing the delivery optimization system at a fast-moving consumer goods distributer
A Galić, T Carić, J Fosin
Promet-Traffic&Transportation 25 (6), 595-603, 2013
Evolving dispatching rules for dynamic vehicle routing with genetic programming
D Jakobović, M Đurasević, K Brkić, J Fosin, T Carić, D Davidović
Algorithms 16 (6), 285, 2023
Empirical analysis of two different metaheuristics for real-world vehicle routing problems
T Carić, J Fosin, A Galić, H Gold, A Reinholz
Hybrid Metaheuristics: 4th International Workshop, HM 2007, Dortmund …, 2007
Solving the Time Dependent Vehicle Routing Problem Using Real-world Speed Profile
L Rozic, J Fosin, T Caric
Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, 193, 2015
Distributed solving of the VRPTW with coefficient weighted time distance and lambda local search heuristics
A Galić, T Carić, J Fosin, I Ćavar, H Gold
Proceedings of the 29th International Convention on Information …, 2006
Metoda rješavanja vremenski ovisnoga problema usmjeravanja vozila zasnovana na profilima brzina
J Fosin
Fakultet prometnih znanosti, 2016
Regional pre-trip sales force routing derived from multi-source weber problem
T Caric, J Fosin, M Buntic
Proccedings of 23th International Central European Conference on Information …, 2012
Development of Distributed System for Practical Vehicle Routing Problems
I Ćavar, A Galić, J Fosin, T Carić, H Gold
Proceedings of XXX International Conference on Software, 10-13, 2004
Capturing Bees using UAVs
M Muštra, T Radišić, J Fosin, D Petrec
Mine Action Symposium 2018, 2018
Comparison of calculated and measured travel times with pnd prediction
M Muštra, J Fosin, T Carić
2016 International Symposium ELMAR, 107-110, 2016
Validation of speed profiles using FMCW radars
M Muštra, J Fosin, T Carić
10th Annual Baška GNSS Conference, 2016
Point-based estimation of calculated speed profiles for road segments
M Muštra, J Fosin, T Carić
2017 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies (SST), 181-185, 2017
Navigation of Electric Vehicles with the Criteria of Minimal Energy Consumption
E Ivanjko, T Carić, J Fosin
Optimizacija usmjeravanja vozila primjenom višestrukih poboljšanja u lokalnom pretraživanju
J Fosin, T Carić, E Ivanjko
Automatika: časopis za automatiku, mjerenje, elektroniku, računarstvo i …, 2014
Paralelna izvedba algoritma za smanjenje broja vozila kod rješavanja velikih problema usmjeravanja vozila s vremenskim ograničenjima
J Fosin
Fakultet prometnih znanosti, 2008
Optimizacija organizacije transporta
C Tonći, I Ćavar, J Fosin, A Galić, H Gold
Drugi kongres hrvatskih znanstvenika iz domovine i inozemstva, 2007
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Articles 1–20