Valeria Lupiano
Valeria Lupiano
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First simulations of the Sarno debris flows through Cellular Automata modelling
D D'Ambrosio, S Di Gregorio, G Iovine, V Lupiano, R Rongo, W Spataro
Geomorphology 54 (1), 91-117, 2003
Debris-flow susceptibility assessment through cellular automata modeling: an example from 15–16 December 1999 disaster at Cervinara and San Martino Valle Caudina (Campania …
G Iovine, S Di Gregorio, V Lupiano
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 3 (5), 457-468, 2003
Predicting the impact of lava flows at Mount Etna, Italy
GM Crisci, MV Avolio, B Behncke, D D'Ambrosio, S Di Gregorio, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research 115 (B4), B04203, 2010
Lava-flow hazard on the SE flank of Mt. Etna (Southern Italy)
GM Crisci, G Iovine, S Di Gregorio, V Lupiano
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 177 (4), 778-796, 2008
SCIDDICA-SS3: a new version of cellular automata model for simulating fast moving landslides
MV Avolio, S Di Gregorio, V Lupiano, P Mazzanti
The Journal of Supercomputing 65, 682-696, 2013
The latest release of the lava flows simulation model SCIARA: First application to Mt Etna (Italy) and solution of the anisotropic flow direction problem on an ideal surface
W Spataro, MV Avolio, V Lupiano, GA Trunfio, R Rongo, D D’Ambrosio
Procedia Computer Science 1 (1), 17-26, 2010
Simulating the Curti–Sarno debris flow through cellular automata: the model SCIDDICA (release S2)
D D’Ambrosio, S Di Gregorio, G Iovine, V Lupiano, L Merenda, R Rongo, ...
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 27 (36), 1577-1585, 2002
VALANCA: A Cellular Automata Model for Simulating Snow Avalanches.
MV Avolio, A Errera, V Lupiano, P Mazzanti, S Di Gregorio
J. Cell. Autom. 12 (5), 309-332, 2017
Modelling combined subaerial-subaqueous flow-like landslides by Cellular Automata
M Avolio, V Lupiano, P Mazzanti, S Di Gregorio
Cellular Automata, 329-336, 2008
Landslide inventory and main geomorphological features affecting slope stability in the Picentino river basin (Campania, southern Italy)
V Lupiano, V Rago, OG Terranova, G Iovine
Journal of Maps 15 (2), 131-141, 2019
Studio multidisciplinare di forme e processi denudazionali nell’area di Vrica (Calabria orientale)
I Pulice, F Scarciglia, L Leonardi, G Robustelli, M Conforti, V Lupiano, ...
Memorie della Società Geografica Italiana 87, 403-417, 2009
3D numerical modelling of submerged and coastal landslide propagation
P Mazzanti, F Bozzano, MV Avolio, V Lupiano, SD Gregorio
Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, 127-139, 2010
Assessing debris-flow susceptibility through cellular automata modelling: an example from the May 1998 disaster at Pizzo d’Alvano (Campania, southern Italy)
G Iovine, S Di Gregorio, V Lupiano
Debris-Flow Hazards Mitigration: Mechanics, Prediction and Assessment …, 2003
A Cellular Automata Model for Flow-like Landslides with Numerical Simulations of Subaerial and Subaqueous Cases.
MV Avolio, V Lupiano, P Mazzanti, S Di Gregorio
EnviroInfo (1), 137-146, 2009
Defining high-detail hazard maps by a cellular automata approach: application to Mount Etna (Italy)
R Rongo, MA Avolio, B Behncke, D D'Ambrosio, S Di Gregorio, V Lupiano, ...
Annals of Geophysics, 2011
A cellular model for secondary lahars and simulation of cases in the Vascún Valley, Ecuador
G Machado, V Lupiano, MV Avolio, F Gullace, S Di Gregorio
Journal of Computational Science 11, 289-299, 2015
Lava invasion susceptibility hazard mapping through cellular automata
D D’Ambrosio, R Rongo, W Spataro, M Avolio, V Lupiano
Cellular Automata, 452-461, 2006
From examination of natural events to a proposal for risk mitigation of lahars by a cellular-automata methodology: A case study for Vascún valley, Ecuador
V Lupiano, F Chidichimo, G Machado, P Catelan, L Molina, CR Calidonna, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 20 (1), 1-20, 2020
Geomorphic effects caused by heavy rainfall in southern Calabria (Italy) on 30 October–1 November 2015
V Rago, F Chiaravalloti, G Chiodo, S Gabriele, V Lupiano, R Nicastro, ...
Journal of Maps 13 (2), 836-843, 2017
SCIARA: cellular automata lava flow modelling and applications in hazard prediction and mitigation
R Rongo, V Lupiano, W Spataro, D D'ambrosio, G Iovine, GM Crisci
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 426 (1), 345-356, 2016
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Articles 1–20