Daniel Burke
Daniel Burke
Osler Diagnostics
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Cited by
Adaptive optics enables 3D STED microscopy in aberrating specimens
MJB Travis J. Gould, Daniel Burke, Joerg Bewersdorf
Optics Express 20 (19), 20998-21009, 2012
Aberrations and adaptive optics in super-resolution microscopy
M Booth, D Andrade, D Burke, B Patton, M Zurauskas
Microscopy 64 (4), 251-261, 2015
Adaptive optics correction of specimen-induced aberrations in single-molecule switching microscopy
D Burke, B Patton, F Huang, J Bewersdorf, MJ Booth
Optica 2 (2), 177-185, 2015
Three-dimensional STED microscopy of aberrating tissue using dual adaptive optics
BR Patton, D Burke, D Owald, TJ Gould, J Bewersdorf, MJ Booth
Optics express 24 (8), 8862-8876, 2016
Experimental detection of optical vortices with a Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor
K Murphy, D Burke, N Devaney, C Dainty
Optics Express 18 (15), 15448-15460, 2010
Auto-aligning stimulated emission depletion microscope using adaptive optics
TJ Gould, EB Kromann, D Burke, MJ Booth, J Bewersdorf
Optics letters 38 (11), 1860-1862, 2013
Coma aberrations in combined two-and three-dimensional STED nanoscopy
J Antonello, EB Kromann, D Burke, J Bewersdorf, MJ Booth
Optics letters 41 (15), 3631-3634, 2016
Aberrations in stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy
J Antonello, D Burke, MJ Booth
Optics communications 404, 203-209, 2017
Is phase-mask alignment aberrating your STED microscope?
BR Patton, D Burke, R Vrees, MJ Booth
Methods and applications in fluorescence 3 (2), 024002, 2015
Stimulated emission depletion microscopy
M Booth, D Burke, J Bewersdorf, TJ Gould
US Patent 9,575,302, 2017
An improved technique for the photometry and astrometry of faint companions
D Burke, S Gladysz, L Roberts, N Devaney, C Dainty
Publ. Astron. Soc. Pac 121, 767-777, 2009
Enhanced faint companion photometry and astrometry using wavelength diversity
D Burke, N Devaney
JOSA A 27 (11), A246-A252, 2010
Application of wavelength diversity for astronomical adaptive optics imaging
D Burke, N Devaney, J Christou, M Hartung
Adaptive Optics Systems II 7736, 1984-1990, 2010
Adaptive optics from microscopy to nanoscopy
BR Patton, D Burke, MJ Booth
Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences XIV 8948, 13-18, 2014
Optimal linear estimation of binary star parameters
D Burke, N Devaney, S Gladysz, HH Barrett, MK Whitaker, L Caucci
Adaptive Optics Systems 7015, 70152J, 2008
Adaptive optics for single molecule switching nanoscopy
D Burke, B Patton, F Huang, J Bewersdorf, MJ Booth
2015 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2, 2015
Optimal sensorless adaptive optics schemes for super-resolution microscopy
D Burke, F Kenny, B Patton, MJ Booth
Adaptive Optics: Methods, Analysis and Applications, OTu1A. 2, 2013
Adaptive Optics Scheme for Single Molecule Switching Microscopy
D Burke, B Patton, MJ Booth
Biomedical Optics, BW2A. 6, 2014
3D STED Microscopy in Scattering Specimens
TJ Gould, E Allgeyer, D Burke, MJ Booth, J Bewersdorf
Biophysical Journal 104 (2), 667a, 2013
Optimal post processing of AO corrected astronomical images: application to faint companion detection and characterisation
D Burke
Ph. D. Thesis, 2011
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Articles 1–20