Bui Phi Diep
Bui Phi Diep
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Flatten and conquer: a framework for efficient analysis of string constraints
PA Abdulla, MF Atig, YF Chen, BP Diep, L Holík, A Rezine, P Rümmer
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 52 (6), 602-617, 2017
Trau: SMT solver for string constraints
PA Abdulla, MF Atig, YF Chen, BP Diep, L Holík, A Rezine, P Rümmer
2018 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design (FMCAD), 1-5, 2018
Efficient handling of string-number conversion
PA Abdulla, MF Atig, YF Chen, BP Diep, J Dolby, P Janků, HH Lin, L Holík, ...
Proceedings of the 41st ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language …, 2020
Chain-free string constraints
PA Abdulla, MF Atig, BP Diep, L Holík, P Janků
Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: 17th International …, 2019
Distributed Bounded Model Checking.
P Chatterjee, S Roy, BP Diep, A Lal
FMCAD, 47-56, 2020
Trau: SMT solver for string constraints. In 2018 Formal Methods in Computer Aided Design, FMCAD 2018, Austin, TX, USA, October 30-November 2, 2018, Nikolaj Bjřrner and Arie …
PA Abdulla, MF Atig, YF Chen, BP Diep, L Holík, A Rezine, P Rümmer
IEEE, 1ś5. https://doi. org/10.23919/FMCAD, 2018
Solving Not-Substring Constraint withFlat Abstraction
PA Abdulla, MF Atig, YF Chen, BP Diep, L Holík, D Hu, WL Tsai, Z Wu, ...
Programming Languages and Systems: 19th Asian Symposium, APLAS 2021, Chicago …, 2021
Counter-example guided program verification
PA Abdulla, MF Atig, BP Diep
FM 2016: Formal Methods: 21st International Symposium, Limassol, Cyprus …, 2016
Solving Not-Substring Constraint with Flat Abstraction
BP Diep, L Holık, D Hu, WL Tsai, Z Wu, DD Yen
Programming Languages and Systems, 305, 0
Flatten and Conquer
PA Abdulla, MF Atig, YF Chen, BP Diep, L Holık, A Rezine, P Rümmer
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Articles 1–10