Sheraz Aslam, Ph.D. (Member IEEE)
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Cited by
A survey on deep learning methods for power load and renewable energy forecasting in smart microgrids
S Aslam, H Herodotou, SM Mohsin, N Javaid, N Ashraf, S Aslam
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 144, 110992, 2021
Internet of ships: A survey on architectures, emerging applications, and challenges
S Aslam, MP Michaelides, H Herodotou
IEEE Internet of Things journal 7 (10), 9714-9727, 2020
Towards Efficient Energy Management of Smart Buildings Exploiting Heuristic Optimization with Real Time and Critical Peak Pricing Schemes
S Aslam, Z Iqbal, N Javaid, ZA Khan, K Aurangzeb, SI Haider
Energies 10 (12), 2065, 2017
Towards efficient energy management in smart grids considering microgrids with day-ahead energy forecasting
S Aslam, A Khalid, N Javaid
Electric Power Systems Research 182, 106232, 2020
Fuzzy energy management controller and scheduler for smart homes
R Khalid, N Javaid, MH Rahim, S Aslam, A Sher
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 21, 103-118, 2019
Hybrid meta-heuristic optimization based home energy management system in smart grid
ZA Khan, A Zafar, S Javaid, S Aslam, MH Rahim, N Javaid
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 10 (12), 4837-4853, 2019
Towards Efficient Energy Management and Power Trading in a Residential Area via Integrating a Grid-Connected Microgrid
S Aslam, N Javaid, FA Khan, A Alamri, A Almogren, W Abdul
Sustainability 10 (4), 1245, 2018
A Machine Learning and Blockchain Based Efficient Fraud Detection Mechanism
T Ashfaq, R Khalid, AS Yahaya, S Aslam, AT Azar, S Alsafari, IA Hameed
Sensors 22 (19), 7162, 2022
Automatic Generation Control Strategies in Conventional and Modern Power Systems: A Comprehensive Overview
K Ullah, A Basit, Z Ullah, S Aslam, H Herodotou
Energies 14 (9), 2376, 2021
Multiscale modeling in smart cities: A survey on applications, current trends, and challenges
A Khan, S Aslam, K Aurangzeb, M Alhussein, N Javaid
Sustainable Cities and Society 78, 103517, 2022
A Domestic Microgrid with Optimized Home Energy Management System
Z Iqbal, N Javaid, S Iqbal, S Aslam, ZA Khan, W Abdul, A Almogren, ...
Energies 11 (4), 1002, 2018
Towards Interoperable Blockchains: A Survey on the Role of Smart Contracts in Blockchain Interoperability
S Khan, MB Amin, AT Azar, S Aslam
IEEE Access 9, 116672-116691, 2021
Contrast Enhancement of Fundus Images by Employing Modified PSO for Improving the Performance of Deep Learning Models
K Aurangzeb, S Aslam, M Alhussein, RA Naqvi, M Arsalan, SI Haider
IEEE Access 9, 47930-47945, 2021
Optimized Fractional Order Integral-Tilt Derivative Controller for Frequency Regulation of Interconnected Diverse Renewable Energy Resources
A Daraz, SA Malik, AT Azar, S Aslam, T Alkhalifah, F Alturise
IEEE Access 10, 43514-43527, 2022
An Efficient Energy Management Approach Using Fog-as-a-Service for Sharing Economy in a Smart Grid
A Khalid, S Aslam, K Aurangzeb, S Haider, M Ashraf, N Javaid
Energies 11 (12), 3500, 2018
A comprehensive review of computing paradigms, enabling computation offloading and task execution in vehicular networks
A Waheed, MA Shah, SM Mohsin, A Khan, C Maple, S Aslam, ...
IEEE Access 10, 3580-3600, 2022
A Fair Pricing Mechanism in Smart Grids for Low Energy Consumption Users
K Aurangzeb, S Aslam, SM Mohsin, M Alhussein
IEEE Access 9, 22035-22044, 2021
Modified FOPID Controller for Frequency Regulation of a Hybrid Interconnected System of Conventional and Renewable Energy Sources
A Daraz, SA Malik, A Basit, S Aslam, G Zhang
Fractal and Fractional 7 (1), 89, 2023
Effective and Efficient DDoS Attack Detection Using Deep Learning Algorithm, Multi-Layer Perceptron
S Ahmed, ZA Khan, SM Mohsin, S Latif, S Aslam, H Mujlid, M Adil, ...
Future Internet 15 (2), 76, 2023
Techno-Economic Planning and Operation of the Microgrid Considering Real-Time Pricing Demand Response Program
ZX Yu, MS Li, YP Xu, S Aslam, YK Li
Energies 14 (15), 4597, 2021
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Articles 1–20