Manuel Castelo Branco
Manuel Castelo Branco
Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Porto; CEF.UP; OBEGEF; Portugal
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Corporate social responsibility and resource-based perspectives
MC Branco, LL Rodrigues
Journal of Business Ethics 69 (2), 111-132, 2006
Factors influencing social responsibility disclosure by Portuguese companies
MC Branco, LL Rodrigues
Journal of Business Ethics 83 (4), 685-701, 2008
Communication of corporate social responsibility by Portuguese banks: A legitimacy theory perspective
MC Branco, LL Rodrigues
Corporate Communications: An International Journal 11 (3), 232-248, 2006
Positioning stakeholder theory within the debate on corporate social responsibility
MC Branco, LL Rodrigues
Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies 12 (1), 5-15, 2007
How does the market value corporate sustainability performance?
IC Lourenço, MC Branco, JD Curto, T Eugénio
Journal of Business Ethics 108 (4), 417-428, 2012
Social responsibility disclosure: a study of proxies for the public visibility of Portuguese banks
MC Branco, LL Rodrigues
The British Accounting Review 40 (2), 161-181, 2008
The value relevance of reputation for sustainability leadership
IC Lourenço, JL Callen, MC Branco, JD Curto
Journal of Business Ethics 119 (1), 17-28, 2014
Determinants of corporate sustainability performance in emerging markets: The Brazilian case
IC Lourenço, MC Branco
Journal of Cleaner Production 57, 134-141, 2013
The implementation of lean Six Sigma in financial services organizations
C Delgado, M Ferreira, MC Branco
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 21 (4), 512-523, 2010
Factors influencing the assurance of sustainability reports in the context of the economic crisis in Portugal
MC Branco, C Delgado, SF Gomes, TCP Eugénio
Managerial Auditing Journal 29 (3), 237-252, 2014
Factors influencing intellectual capital disclosure by Portuguese companies
AL Ferreira, MC Branco, JA Moreira
International Journal of Accounting and Financial Reporting 2 (2), 278-298, 2012
Environmental disclosure in response to public perception of environmental threats: The case of co-incineration in Portugal
MC Branco, T Eugénio, J Ribeiro
Journal of Communication Management 12 (2), 136-151, 2008
Disclosure Responses to a Corruption Scandal: The Case of Siemens AG
R Blanc, CH Cho, J Sopt, MC Branco
Journal of Business Ethics, 1-17, 2017
Corruption and earnings management in developed and emerging countries
IC Lourenço, A Rathke, V Santana, MC Branco
Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society 18 (1 …, 2018
Comparing CSR communication on corporate web sites in Sweden and Spain
MC Branco, C Delgado, M Sá, C Sousa
Baltic Journal of Management 9 (2), 231-250, 2014
Corporate anti-corruption disclosure: An examination of the impact of media exposure and country-level press freedom
R Blanc, MA Islam, DM Patten, MC Branco
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 30 (8), 1746-1770, 2017
Issues in Corporate Social and Environmental Reporting Research: An Overview
MC Branco, LL Rodrigues
Issues in Social and Environmental Accounting 1 (1), 72-90, 2007
Earnings management in family firms: current state of knowledge and opportunities for future research
IS Paiva, IC Lourenço, MC Branco
Review of Accounting and Finance 15 (1), 85-100, 2016
Main consequences of IFRS adoption: analysis of existing literature and suggestions for further research
IMEC Lourenço, MEMA Branco, D Castelo
Revista Contabilidade & Finanças 26 (68), 126-139, 2015
An analysis of intellectual capital disclosure by Portuguese companies
MC Branco, C Delgado, M Sá, C Sousa
EuroMed Journal of Business 5 (3), 258-278, 2010
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Articles 1–20