M.A. Unar
M.A. Unar
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Manufacturing of aluminum composite material using stir casting process
MH Jokhio, MI Panhwer, MA Unar
Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering and Technology 30 (1), 2016
Automatic steering of ships using neural networks
MA Unar, DJ Murray‐Smith
International journal of adaptive control and signal processing 13 (4), 203-218, 1999
Image quality assessment for performance evaluation of focus measure operators
F Memon, MA Unar, S Memon
Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology 34 (4), 379-386, 2015
A context-aware data fusion approach for health-IoT
Z Baloch, FK Shaikh, MA Unar
International Journal of Information Technology 10, 241-245, 2018
Harmonics mitigation of industrial power system using passive filters
ZA Memon, MA Uquaili, MA Unar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.06684, 2016
Privacy preserving dynamic pseudonym-based multiple mix-zones authentication protocol over road networks
QA Arain, D Zhongliang, I Memon, S Arain, FK Shaikh, A Zubedi, MA Unar, ...
Wireless Personal Communications 95, 505-521, 2017
An aggregate mapreduce data block placement strategy for wireless IoT edge nodes in smart grid
NMF Qureshi, IF Siddiqui, MA Unar, MA Uqaili, CS Nam, DR Shin, J Kim, ...
Wireless personal communications 106, 2225-2236, 2019
Design and tuning of fixed structure PID controllers-a survey
MA Unar, DJ Murray-Smith, SFA Shah
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 1995
Ab-initio investigations on physisorption of alkaline earth metal atoms on monolayer hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN)
M Rafique, MA Unar, I Ahmed, AR Chachar, Y Shuai
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 118, 114-125, 2018
Ship steering control using feedforward neural networks
MA Unar
University of Glasgow, 1999
The role of knowledge management and data mining in improving educational practices and the learning infrastructure
AF Meghji, NA Mahoto, MA Unar, MA Shaikh
Mehran University Research Journal of Engineering & Technology 39 (2), 310-323, 2020
A novel approach for the control of dual-active bridge dc-dc converter
AS Larik, MR Abro, MA Unar, MA Mahar
International Multi Topic Conference, 343-349, 2008
Speech and image compression using discrete wavelet transform
N Junejo, N Ahmed, MA Unar, AQK Rajput
IEEE/Sarnoff Symposium on Advances in Wired and Wireless Communication, 2005 …, 2005
Estimation of compensation current reference using fuzzy logic controller for three-phase hybrid active power filter
ZA Memon, MA Uqaili, MA Unar
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012
Design of three-phase hybrid active power filter for compensating the harmonic currents of three-phase system
ZA Memon, MA Uqaili, MA Unar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1604.03223, 2016
CNN‐LSTM‐Based Late Sensor Fusion for Human Activity Recognition in Big Data Networks
Z Baloch, FK Shaikh, MA Unar
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2022 (1), 3434100, 2022
Electronic hand glove for speech impaired and paralyzed patients
NP Bhatti, A Baqai, BS Chowdhry, MA Unar
EIR Magazine, 59-63, 2009
Analysis of student performance using EDM methods
AF Meghji, NA Mahoto, MA Unar, MA Shaikh
2018 5th International Multi-Topic ICT Conference (IMTIC), 1-7, 2018
Application of artificial neural networks for predicting pH in seawater along Gaza beach
H Adel Zaqoot, A Baloch, A Khalique Ansari, M Ali Unar
Applied Artificial Intelligence 24 (7), 667-679, 2010
Neural network applications in ship research with emphasis on the identification of roll damping coefficient of a ship
MA Unar
Final Report: HEC Post Doc Fellowship Phase II, 2007
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Articles 1–20