ali dogru
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Cited by
A process model for component-oriented software engineering
AH Dogru, MM Tanik
IEEE software 20 (2), 34-41, 2003
PrimePatNet87: prime pattern and tunable q-factor wavelet transform techniques for automated accurate EEG emotion recognition
A Dogan, M Akay, PD Barua, M Baygin, S Dogan, T Tuncer, AH Dogru, ...
Computers in Biology and Medicine 138, 104867, 2021
Mapping extended feature models to constraint logic programming over finite domains
AS Karataş, H Oğuztüzün, A Doğru
Software Product Lines: Going Beyond: 14th International Conference, SPLC …, 2010
Systematic component-oriented development with axiomatic design
C Togay, AH Dogru, JU Tanik
Journal of Systems and Software 81 (11), 1803-1815, 2008
From extended feature models to constraint logic programming
AS Karataş, H Oğuztüzün, A Doğru
Science of Computer Programming 78 (12), 2295-2312, 2013
Legacy migration to service-oriented computing with mashups
S Cetin, NI Altintas, H Oguztuzun, AH Dogru, O Tufekci, S Suloglu
International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2007), 21-21, 2007
A mashup-based strategy for migration to service-oriented computing
S Cetin, NI Altintas, H Oguztuzun, AH Dogru, O Tufekci, S Suloglu
IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services, 169-172, 2007
Global constraints on feature models
A Karataş, H Oğuztüzün, A Doğru
Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming–CP 2010, 537-551, 2010
Modeling product line software assets using domain-specific kits
NI Altintas, S Cetin, AH Dogru, H Oguztuzun
IEEE transactions on software engineering 38 (6), 1376-1402, 2011
Industrializing software development: The “factory automation” way
NI Altintas, S Cetin, AH Dogru
International Conference on Trends in Enterprise Application Architecture, 54-68, 2006
Component oriented software engineering modeling language: COSEML
AH Dogru
Computer Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, Turkey …, 1999
Application of project-based learning in a theoretical course: process, difficulties and recommendations
KB Codur, S Karataş, AH Dogru
International Journal of Engineering Education 28 (1), 17, 2012
Yazılım mühendisliği: yöntemler, metodolojiler, CASE ortamları, günün teknolojisi
A Arifoğlu
Sas Bilişim Yayınları, 2001
Modeling and reasoning about design alternatives of software as a service architectures
B Tekinerdogan, K Özturk, A Dogru
2011 Ninth Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture, 312-319, 2011
Automated accurate emotion classification using Clefia pattern-based features with EEG signals
A Dogan, PD Barua, M Baygin, T Tuncer, S Dogan, O Yaman, AH Dogru, ...
International Journal of Healthcare Management 17 (1), 32-45, 2024
Managing heterogeneous communication challenges in the internet of things using connector variability
MC Kaya, M Saeedi Nikoo, S Suloglu, B Tekinerdogan, AH Dogru
Connected Environments for the Internet of Things: Challenges and Solutions …, 2017
Enhancing XCOSEML with connector variability for component oriented development
A Cetinkaya, MC Kaya, AH Dogru
Proceedings of SDPS 21st international conference on emerging trends and …, 2016
Variability modeling in component oriented software engineering
MÇ Kaya, AH Doğru
Design Effort Estimation Using Complexity Metrics
N Salman, A Doğru
Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science 8 (3), 83-88, 2004
Towards an agile methodology for business process development
D Çulha, A Doğru
S-BPM ONE-Scientific Research: 6th International Conference, S-BPM ONE 2014 …, 2014
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Articles 1–20