Annette Ranft
Annette Ranft
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Acquiring new technologies and capabilities: A grounded model of acquisition implementation
AL Ranft, MD Lord
Organization science 13 (4), 420-441, 2002
Organizational learning about new international markets: Exploring the internal transfer of local market knowledge
MD Lord, AL Ranft
Journal of international business studies 31, 573-589, 2000
Acquiring new knowledge: The role of retaining human capital in acquisitions of high-tech firms
AL Ranft, MD Lord
The Journal of High Technology Management Research 11 (2), 295-319, 2000
Viewing family firm behavior and governance through the lens of agency and stewardship theories
K Madison, DT Holt, FW Kellermanns, AL Ranft
Family Business Review 29 (1), 65-93, 2016
Transfer effects in large acquisitions: How size-specific experience matters
KM Ellis, TH Reus, BT Lamont, AL Ranft
Academy of management journal 54 (6), 1261-1276, 2011
Marketing the image of management:: The costs and benefits of CEO reputation
AL Ranft, R Zinko, GR Ferris, MR Buckley
Organizational dynamics 35 (3), 279-290, 2006
Meso-level theory of accountability in organizations
DD Frink, AT Hall, AA Perryman, AL Ranft, WA Hochwarter, GR Ferris, ...
Research in personnel and human resources management, 177-245, 2008
Human resources reputation and effectiveness
GR Ferris, PL Perrewé, AL Ranft, R Zinko, JS Stoner, RL Brouer, MD Laird
Human Resource Management Review 17 (2), 117-130, 2007
An interpretive systems view of knowledge investments
TH Reus, AL Ranft, BT Lamont, GL Adams
Academy of management review 34 (3), 382-400, 2009
A meso-level conceptualization of CEO celebrity effectiveness
DC Treadway, GL Adams, AL Ranft, GR Ferris
The Leadership Quarterly 20 (4), 554-570, 2009
Competitor analysis and foothold moves
JW Upson, DJ Ketchen Jr, BL Connelly, AL Ranft
Academy of Management Journal 55 (1), 93-110, 2012
Board composition and high-flying founders: Hints of trouble to come?
AL Ranft, HM O'Neill
Academy of Management Perspectives 15 (1), 126-138, 2001
Knowledge preservation and transfer during post-acquisition integration
AL Ranft
Advances in mergers and acquisitions 5, 51-67, 2006
Motivations to maintain social ties with coworkers: The moderating role of turnover intentions on information exchange
AE Randel, AL Ranft
Group & Organization Management 32 (2), 208-232, 2007
Capturing knowledge and knowing through improvisation: What managers can learn from the thoracic surgery board certification process
AW King, AL Ranft
Journal of management 27 (3), 255-277, 2001
Resources matter: Examining the effects of resources on the state of firms following downsizing
PM Norman, FC Butler, AL Ranft
Journal of Management 39 (7), 2009-2038, 2013
Accessing knowledge through acquisitions and alliances: An empirical examination of new market entry
AL Ranft, SJ Marsh
Journal of Managerial Issues, 51-67, 2008
Examining the effects of acquired top management team turnover on firm performance post-acquisition: A meta-analysis
FC Butler, AA Perryman, AL Ranft
Journal of Managerial issues, 47-60, 2012
Preserving and transferring knowledge-based resources during post-acquisition implementation
AL Ranft
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1997
Dealing with celebrity and accountability in the top job
AL Ranft, GR Ferris, AA Perryman
Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 2007
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