Nicholas A. Hubbard, PhD
Nicholas A. Hubbard, PhD
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
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Depressive thoughts limit working memory capacity in dysphoria
NA Hubbard, JL Hutchison, M Turner, J Montroy, RP Bowles, B Rypma
Cognition and Emotion 30 (2), 193-209, 2016
Alterations in hippocampal connectivity across the psychosis dimension
N Samudra, EI Ivleva, NA Hubbard, B Rypma, JA Sweeney, BA Clementz, ...
Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 233 (2), 148-157, 2015
Functional territories of human dentate nucleus
X Guell, AM D’Mello, NA Hubbard, RR Romeo, JDE Gabrieli, ...
Cerebral cortex 30 (4), 2401-2417, 2020
Reward-related neural circuitry in depressed and anxious adolescents: a human connectome project
RP Auerbach, D Pagliaccio, NA Hubbard, I Frosch, R Kremens, E Cosby, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 61 (2), 308-320, 2022
Central executive dysfunction and deferred prefrontal processing in veterans with Gulf War illness
NA Hubbard, JL Hutchison, MA Motes, E Shokri-Kojori, IJ Bennett, ...
Clinical Psychological Science 2 (3), 319-327, 2014
The enduring effects of depressive thoughts on working memory
NA Hubbard, JL Hutchison, DZ Hambrick, B Rypma
Journal of affective disorders 190, 208-213, 2016
Dopamine D1 binding potential predicts fusiform BOLD activity during face-recognition performance
B Rypma, H Fischer, A Rieckmann, NA Hubbard, L Nyberg, L Bäckman
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (44), 14702-14707, 2015
Functional alterations in cerebellar functional connectivity in anxiety disorders
YJ Lee, X Guell, NA Hubbard, V Siless, IR Frosch, M Goncalves, N Lo, ...
The Cerebellum 20, 392-401, 2021
Brain function and clinical characterization in the Boston adolescent neuroimaging of depression and anxiety study
NA Hubbard, V Siless, IR Frosch, M Goncalves, N Lo, J Wang, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 27, 102240, 2020
Image acquisition and quality assurance in the Boston Adolescent Neuroimaging of Depression and Anxiety study
V Siless, NA Hubbard, R Jones, J Wang, N Lo, CCC Bauer, M Goncalves, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 26, 102242, 2020
Multiple sclerosis-related white matter microstructural change alters the BOLD hemodynamic response
NA Hubbard, M Turner, JL Hutchison, A Ouyang, J Strain, L Oasay, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 36 (11), 1872-1884, 2016
The efficiency of fMRI region of interest analysis methods for detecting group differences
JL Hutchison, NA Hubbard, RM Brigante, M Turner, TI Sandoval, ...
Journal of neuroscience methods 226, 57-65, 2014
Preserved canonicality of the BOLD hemodynamic response reflects healthy cognition: insights into the healthy brain through the window of multiple sclerosis
MP Turner, NA Hubbard, DK Sivakolundu, LM Himes, JL Hutchison, ...
NeuroImage 190, 46-55, 2019
The relationship between trait mindfulness and emotional reactivity following mood manipulation
L Himes, NA Hubbard, GB Maruthy, J Gallagher, MP Turner, B Rypma
Mindfulness 12, 170-185, 2021
The dual roles of trait rumination in problem solving
NA Hubbard, DJ Faso, DC Krawczyk, B Rypma
Personality and Individual Differences 86, 321-325, 2015
Calibrated imaging reveals altered grey matter metabolism related to white matter microstructure and symptom severity in multiple sclerosis
NA Hubbard, MP Turner, M Ouyang, L Himes, BP Thomas, JL Hutchison, ...
Human brain mapping 38 (11), 5375-5390, 2017
Reward-sensitive basal ganglia stabilize the maintenance of goal-relevant neural patterns in adolescents
NA Hubbard, RR Romeo, H Grotzinger, M Giebler, A Imhof, CCC Bauer, ...
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 32 (8), 1508-1524, 2020
Cognitive slowing in Gulf War Illness predicts executive network hyperconnectivity: study in a population-representative sample
MP Turner, NA Hubbard, LM Himes, S Faghihahmadabadi, JL Hutchison, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 12, 535-541, 2016
Asynchrony in executive networks predicts cognitive slowing in multiple sclerosis.
NA Hubbard, JL Hutchison, MP Turner, S Sundaram, L Oasay, ...
Neuropsychology 30 (1), 75, 2016
Striatal and behavioral responses to reward vary by socioeconomic status in adolescents
AL Decker, SL Meisler, NA Hubbard, CCC Bauer, J Leonard, H Grotzinger, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 44 (11), 2024
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Articles 1–20