Xiaojun Zhai
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Cited by
Wearable sensors and machine learning in post-stroke rehabilitation assessment: A systematic review
I Boukhennoufa, X Zhai, V Utti, J Jackson, KD McDonald-Maier
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 71, 103197, 2022
MLP neural network based gas classification system on Zynq SoC
X Zhai, AAS Ali, A Amira, F Bensaali
IEEE Access 4, 8138-8146, 2016
ARSH-FATI: A novel metaheuristic for cluster head selection in wireless sensor networks
H Ali, UU Tariq, M Hussain, L Lu, J Panneerselvam, X Zhai
IEEE Systems Journal 15 (2), 2386-2397, 2020
Virtual machine-based task scheduling algorithm in a cloud computing environment
Z Zhong, K Chen, X Zhai, S Zhou
Tsinghua Science and Technology 21 (6), 660-667, 2016
OCR-based neural network for ANPR
X Zhai, F Bensaali, R Sotudeh
2012 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques …, 2012
Spectral analysis and mapping of blackgrass weed by leveraging machine learning and UAV multispectral imagery
J Su, D Yi, M Coombes, C Liu, X Zhai, K McDonald-Maier, WH Chen
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 192, 106621, 2022
System-on-chip solution for patients biometric: A compressive sensing-based approach
H Djelouat, X Zhai, M Al Disi, A Amira, F Bensaali
IEEE Sensors Journal 18 (23), 9629-9639, 2018
Real‐time optical character recognition on field programmable gate array for automatic number plate recognition system
X Zhai, F Bensaali, R Sotudeh
IET Circuits, Devices & Systems 7 (6), 337-344, 2013
A small-divergence-angle orbital angular momentum metasurface antenna
J Xu, K Bi, R Zhang, Y Hao, C Lan, KD McDonald-Maier, X Zhai, Z Zhang, ...
Research, 2019
Energy-efficient static task scheduling on VFI-based NoC-HMPSoCs for intelligent edge devices in cyber-physical systems
UU Tariq, H Ali, L Liu, J Panneerselvam, X Zhai
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 10 (6), 1-22, 2019
Real-time automated image segmentation technique for cerebral aneurysm on reconfigurable system-on-chip
X Zhai, M Eslami, ES Hussein, MS Filali, ST Shalaby, A Amira, F Bensaali, ...
Journal of computational science 27, 35-45, 2018
License plate localisation based on morphological operations
X Zhai, F Benssali, S Ramalingam
2010 11th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision …, 2010
Moving object tracking in clinical scenarios: application to cardiac surgery and cerebral aneurysm clipping
SP Dakua, J Abinahed, A Zakaria, S Balakrishnan, G Younes, N Navkar, ...
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 14, 2165-2176, 2019
A deep segmentation network of multi-scale feature fusion based on attention mechanism for IVOCT lumen contour
C Huang, Y Lan, G Xu, X Zhai, J Wu, F Lin, N Zeng, Q Hong, EYK Ng, ...
IEEE/ACM Transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 18 (1), 62-69, 2020
Contention & energy-aware real-time task mapping on noc based heterogeneous mpsocs
H Ali, UU Tariq, Y Zheng, X Zhai, L Liu
IEEE Access 6, 75110-75123, 2018
A survey on system level energy optimisation for MPSoCs in IoT and consumer electronics
H Ali, UU Tariq, J Hardy, X Zhai, L Lu, Y Zheng, F Bensaali, A Amira, ...
Computer Science Review 41, 100416, 2021
A method for detecting abnormal program behavior on embedded devices
X Zhai, K Appiah, S Ehsan, G Howells, H Hu, D Gu, KD McDonald-Maier
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 10 (8), 1692-1704, 2015
ECG encryption and identification based security solution on the Zynq SoC for connected health systems
X Zhai, AAS Ali, A Amira, F Bensaali
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 106, 143-152, 2017
Real-time license plate localisation on FPGA
X Zhai, F Bensaali, S Ramalingam
Cvpr 2011 workshops, 14-19, 2011
Recent progress on RF orbital angular momentum antennas
J Xu, Y Guo, P Yang, R Zhang, X Zhai, S Huang, K Bi
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 34 (3), 275-300, 2020
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Articles 1–20