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Technology advancements for next generation falling particle receivers
C Ho, J Christian, D Gill, A Moya, S Jeter, S Abdel-Khalik, D Sadowski, ...
Energy Procedia 49, 398-407, 2014
On-sun testing of an advanced falling particle receiver system
CK Ho, JM Christian, J Yellowhair, N Siegel, S Jeter, M Golob, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1734 (1), 2016
Numerical study of conduction and convection heat losses from a half-insulated air-filled annulus of the receiver of a parabolic trough collector
H Al-Ansary, O Zeitoun
Solar Energy 85 (11), 3036-3045, 2011
A review on the equations of state for the working pairs used in adsorption cooling systems
HZ Hassan, AA Mohamad, Y Alyousef, HA Al-Ansary
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 45, 600-609, 2015
Thermodynamic analysis of a reverse osmosis desalination unit with energy recovery system
A Al-Zahrani, J Orfi, Z Al-Suhaibani, B Salim, H Al-Ansary
Procedia Engineering 33, 404-414, 2012
Development of a continuously operating solar-driven adsorption cooling system: Thermodynamic analysis and parametric study
HZ Hassan, AA Mohamad, HA Al-Ansary
Applied Thermal Engineering 48, 332-341, 2012
Performance improvement of gas turbine power plants by utilizing turbine inlet air-cooling (TIAC) technologies in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
SS Baakeem, J Orfi, H Al-Ansary
Applied Thermal Engineering 138, 417-432, 2018
Highlights of the high-temperature falling particle receiver project: 2012-2016
CK Ho, J Christian, J Yellowhair, S Jeter, M Golob, C Nguyen, K Repole, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1850 (1), 2017
Impact of the use of a hybrid turbine inlet air cooling system in arid climates
HA Al-Ansary, JA Orfi, ME Ali
Energy conversion and management 75, 214-223, 2013
Numerical simulation of particulate flow in interconnected porous media for central particle-heating receiver applications
T Lee, S Lim, S Shin, DL Sadowski, SI Abdel-Khalik, SM Jeter, ...
Solar Energy 113, 14-24, 2015
Experimental study of a sand–air heat exchanger for use with a high-temperature solar gas turbine system
H Al-Ansary, A El-Leathy, Z Al-Suhaibani, S Jeter, D Sadowski, A Alrished, ...
Journal of solar energy engineering 134 (4), 041017, 2012
A review and classification of layouts and optimization techniques used in design of heliostat fields in solar central receiver systems
AA Rizvi, SN Danish, A El-Leathy, H Al-Ansary, D Yang
Solar Energy 218, 296-311, 2021
On-sun experiments on a particle heating receiver with red sand as the working medium
H Al-Ansary, A El-Leathy, S Jeter, E Djajadiwinata, S Alaqel, M Golob, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2033 (1), 2018
Effect of tip clearance and rotor–stator axial gap on the efficiency of a multistage compressor
SN Danish, SR Qureshi, MM Imran, SUD Khan, MM Sarfraz, A El-Leathy, ...
Applied Thermal Engineering 99, 988-995, 2016
Numerical and experimental analysis of single-phase and two-phase flow in ejectors
HAM Al-Ansary, SM Jeter
HVAC&R Research 10 (4), 521-538, 2004
High temperature durability of solid particles for use in particle heating concentrator solar power systems
RC Knott, DL Sadowski, SM Jeter, SI Abdel-Khalik, HA Al-Ansary, ...
Energy Sustainability 45868, V001T02A041, 2014
The effect of alumina–water nanofluid on natural convection heat transfer inside vertical circular enclosures heated from above
M Ali, O Zeitoun, S Almotairi, H Al-Ansary
Heat transfer engineering 34 (15), 1289-1299, 2013
Experimental investigation of the performance of a shell-and-tube particle-to-air heat exchanger
S Alaqel, A El-Leathy, H Al-Ansary, E Djajadiwinata, N Saleh, S Danish, ...
Solar Energy 204, 561-568, 2020
Sun position algorithm for sun tracking applications
AA Rizvi, K Addoweesh, A El-Leathy, H Al-Ansary
IECON 2014-40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2014
Study on solid particles as a thermal medium
C Nguyen, D Sadowski, A Alrished, H Al-Ansary, S Jeter, S Abdel-Khalik
Energy Procedia 49, 637-646, 2014
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Articles 1–20