Shahi Dost
Shahi Dost
PostDoc at TIB, Hannover, Germany
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Cited by
Reduced reference image and video quality assessments: review of methods
S Dost, F Saud, M Shabbir, MG Khan, M Shahid, B Lovstrom
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing 2022 (1), 1, 2022
VTKEL: a resource for visual-textual-knowledge entity linking
S Dost, L Serafini, M Rospocher, L Ballan, A Sperduti
Proceedings of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC …, 2020
Worldwide one-year dynamics of COVID-19 manifestations: a systematic review and meta-analysis
S Abiri, A Ghanaatpisheh, M Sohrabpour, MSS Jahromi, SR Habibzadeh, ...
Updates in Emergency Medicine 2 (1), 23-33, 2022
Aligning and linking entity mentions in image, text, and knowledge base
S Dost, L Serafini, M Rospocher, L Ballan, A Sperduti
Data & Knowledge Engineering 138, 101975, 2022
Jointly Linking Visual and Textual Entity Mentions with Background Knowledge
S Dost, L Serafini, M Rospocher, L Ballan, A Sperduti
25th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to …, 2020
On Visual-Textual-Knowledge Entity Linking
S Dost, L Serafini, M Rospocher, L Ballan, A Sperduti
14th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), 2020, 190-193, 2020
Identification and Structural Analysis of Drivers Affecting the Future of University Education System in the Atmosphere of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
H Tarin, Y Mehralizadeh, S Shahi, Dost, H Farhadirad, GR Dost
Journal of Research in Educational Systems 17 (61), 5-21, 2023
VT-LINKER: Visual-Textual-Knowledge Entity Linker
S Dost, L Serafini, M Rospocher, L Ballan, A Sperduti
The 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2020, 2020
Unraveling the Hepatitis B Cure: A Hybrid AI Approach for Capturing Knowledge about the Immune System's Impact
S Dost, A Rivas, H Begali, A Ziegler, E Aliabadi, M Cornberg, AR Kraft, ...
Proceedings of the 12th Knowledge Capture Conference 2023 (K-CAP), 241-249, 2023
Outliers classification for mining evolutionary community using Support Vector Machine and Logistic Regression on Azure ML
S Dost, S Anwer, F Saud, M Shabbir
International Conference on Communication, Computing and Digital Systems (C …, 2017
Harnessing the Cloud: A Novel Approach to Smart Solar Plant Monitoring
MI Ali, S Dost, KS Khattak, MI Khan, R Muhammad
Future Internet 16 (6), 191, 2024
IoT based smart solar PV monitoring system; A Cost Effective and reliable solution
MI Ali, M Allah, S Dost, N Ullah
Journal of Computing and Mathematical Sciences (IBA) 6 (2), 8-14, 2022
Semantic Interpretation of Image and Text
S Dost, L Serafini, A Sperduti
Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium (DC) co-located with the 17th …, 2018
Linking Visual and Textual Entity mentions with Background Knowledge
S Dost
Universitā degli studi di Padova, Italy, 2021
Outliers classification for mining evolutionary community using Support Vector Machine and Logistic Regression on Azure ML
BS Chowdhary, D Dhomeja, L Das, S Dost, A Elahi, W Ellahi, A Farhad, ...
2017 International Conference on Communication, Computing and Digital …, 2017
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Articles 1–15