Jiang XIAO
Cited by
Cited by
CSI-based indoor localization
K Wu, J Xiao, Y Yi, D Chen, X Luo, LM Ni
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 24 (7), 1300-1309, 2012
FILA: Fine-grained indoor localization
K Wu, J Xiao, Y Yi, M Gao, LM Ni
2012 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 2210-2218, 2012
A survey on wireless indoor localization from the device perspective
J Xiao, Z Zhou, Y Yi, LM Ni
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 49 (2), 1-31, 2016
FIFS: Fine-grained indoor fingerprinting system
J Xiao, K Wu, Y Yi, LM Ni
2012 21st international conference on computer communications and networks …, 2012
Pilot: Passive device-free indoor localization using channel state information
J Xiao, K Wu, Y Yi, L Wang, LM Ni
2013 IEEE 33rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2013
GRfid: A device-free RFID-based gesture recognition system
Y Zou, J Xiao, J Han, K Wu, Y Li, LM Ni
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 16 (2), 381-393, 2016
Fimd: Fine-grained device-free motion detection
J Xiao, K Wu, Y Yi, L Wang, LM Ni
2012 IEEE 18th International conference on parallel and distributed systems …, 2012
Towards A Novel Architecture for Enabling Interoperability Amongst Multiple Blockchains
J Hai, D Xiaohai, J Xiao*
In Proceedings of the 38th IEEE International Conference on Distributed …, 2018
Disk Failure Prediction in Data Centers via Online Learning
J Xiao, Z Xiong, S Wu, Y Yi, J Hai, H Kan
The 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP 2018), 10 …, 2018
Blockchain-Based Federated Learning for Industrial Metaverses: Incentive Scheme With Optimal AoI
J Kang, D Ye, J Nie, J Xiao, X Deng, S Wang, Z Xiong, R Yu, D Niyato
2022 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain 2022), 2022
Cross-Cluster Federated Learning and Blockchain for Internet of Medical Things
H Jin, X Dai, J Xiao, B Li, H Li, Y Zhang
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (21), 15776-15784, 2021
LDV: A Lightweight DAG-based Blockchain for Vehicular Social Networks
Y Wenhui, D Xiaohai, X Jiang, J Hai
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (6), 5749-5759, 2020
Rethinking the architecture design of data center networks
K Wu, J Xiao, LM Ni
Frontiers of Computer Science 6, 596-603, 2012
Towards A Trust-Enhanced Blockchain P2P Topology for Enabling Fast and Reliable Broadcast
W Hao, J Zeng, X Dai, J Xiao, QS Hua, H Chen, KC Li, H Jin
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2020
Wi-counter: smartphone-based people counter using crowdsourced wi-fi signal data
H Li, ECL Chan, X Guo, J Xiao, K Wu, LM Ni
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 45 (4), 442-452, 2015
Rule caching in SDN-enabled mobile access networks
M Dong, H Li, K Ota, J Xiao
IEEE Network 29 (4), 40-45, 2015
Jidar: A Jigsaw-like Data Reduction Approach without Trust Assumptions for Bitcoin System
X Dai, J Xiao, W Yang, C Wang, H Jin
2019 IEEE 39th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), 2019
Sledge: Towards efficient live migration of docker containers
B Xu, S Wu, J Xiao, H Jin, Y Zhang, G Shi, T Lin, J Rao, L Yi, J Jiang
2020 IEEE 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 321-328, 2020
Harnessing frequency domain for cooperative sensing and multi-channel contention in CRAHNs
L Wang, K Wu, J Xiao, M Hamdi
IEEE transactions on wireless communications 13 (1), 440-449, 2013
Blockchain-empowered Efficient Data Sharing in Internet of Things Settings
Y Zhang, K Gai, J Xiao, L Zhu, KKR Choo
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2022
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Articles 1–20