Amjad Saeed Khan
Amjad Saeed Khan
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Cited by
Indoor visible light communication: A tutorial and survey
GA Mapunda, R Ramogomana, L Marata, B Basutli, AS Khan, JM Chuma
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2020 (1), 8881305, 2020
Opportunistic relaying and random linear network coding for secure and reliable communication
AS Khan, I Chatzigeorgiou
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (1), 223-234, 2017
Trusted UAV network coverage using blockchain, machine learning, and auction mechanisms
AS Khan, G Chen, Y Rahulamathavan, G Zheng, B Assadhan, ...
IEEE access 8, 118219-118234, 2020
Blockchain-based distributive auction for relay-assisted secure communications
AS Khan, Y Rahulamathavan, B Basutli, G Zheng, B AsSadhan, ...
IEEE Access 7, 95555-95568, 2019
Rethinking the intercept probability of random linear network coding
AS Khan, A Tassi, I Chatzigeorgiou
IEEE Communications Letters 19 (10), 1762-1765, 2015
Improved bounds on the decoding failure probability of network coding over multi-source multi-relay networks
AS Khan, I Chatzigeorgiou
IEEE Communications Letters 20 (10), 2035-2038, 2016
Network-coded NOMA with antenna selection for the support of two heterogeneous groups of users
AS Khan, I Chatzigeorgiou, S Lambotharan, G Zheng
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 18 (2), 1332-1345, 2019
Blockchain secured auction-based user offloading in heterogeneous wireless networks
T Chen, AS Khan, G Zheng, S Lambotharan
IEEE wireless communications letters 9 (8), 1141-1145, 2020
Performance analysis of random linear network coding in two-source single-relay networks
AS Khan, I Chatzigeorgiou
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshop (ICCW), 991-996, 2015
Machine learning aided blockchain assisted framework for wireless networks
AS Khan, X Zhang, S Lambotharan, G Zheng, B AsSadhan, L Hanzo
IEEE Network Magazine, 0
Non-orthogonal multiple access combined with random linear network coded cooperation
AS Khan, I Chatzigeorgiou
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 24 (9), 1298-1302, 2017
On the decoding failure probability of random network coded cooperation
I Chatzigeorgiou, G Kurt, ST Basaran, AS Khan
2019 IEEE 89th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Spring), 1-5, 2019
Random linear network coding based physical layer security for relay‐aided device‐to‐device communication
AS Khan, I Chatzigeorgiou, G Zheng, B Basutli, JM Chuma, ...
IET Communications 14 (7), 1155-1161, 2020
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Articles 1–13