Carlo Alberto Boano
Cited by
Cited by
Radio link quality estimation in wireless sensor networks: A survey
N Baccour, A Koubâa, L Mottola, MA Zúñiga, H Youssef, CA Boano, ...
ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks (TOSN) 8 (4), 1-33, 2012
An experimental evaluation of the reliability of lora long-range low-power wireless communication
M Cattani, CA Boano, K Römer
Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks 6 (2), 7, 2017
Hello from the Other Side: SSH over Robust Cache Covert Channels in the Cloud.
C Maurice, M Weber, M Schwarz, L Giner, D Gruss, CA Boano, ...
NDSS 17, 8-11, 2017
The impact of temperature on outdoor industrial sensornet applications
CA Boano, N Tsiftes, T Voigt, J Brown, U Roedig
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 6 (3), 451-459, 2009
JamLab: Augmenting sensornet testbeds with realistic and controlled interference generation
CA Boano, T Voigt, C Noda, K Römer, M Zúñiga
Proceedings of the 10th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information …, 2011
The triangle metric: Fast link quality estimation for mobile wireless sensor networks
CA Boano, MA Zúniga, T Voigt, A Willig, K Römer
2010 Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Computer Communications …, 2010
SnapLoc: An Ultra-Fast UWB-based Indoor Localization System for an Unlimited Number of Tags
B Großwindhager, M Stocker, M Rath, CA Boano, K Römer
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Information Processing …, 2019
A Competition to Push the Dependability of Low-Power Wireless Protocols to the Edge.
M Schuß, CA Boano, M Weber, K Römer
EWSN, 54-65, 2017
SALMA: UWB-based single-anchor localization system using multipath assistance
B Großwindhager, M Rath, J Kulmer, MS Bakr, CA Boano, K Witrisal, ...
Proceedings of the 16th ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems …, 2018
Templab: A testbed infrastructure to study the impact of temperature on wireless sensor networks
CA Boano, M Zúñiga, J Brown, U Roedig, C Keppitiyagama, K Römer
IPSN-14 proceedings of the 13th international symposium on information …, 2014
Low-power radio communication in industrial outdoor deployments: The impact of weather conditions and ATEX-compliance
CA Boano, J Brown, Z He, U Roedig, T Voigt
Sensor Applications, Experimentation, and Logistics: First International …, 2010
Making sensornet MAC protocols robust against interference
CA Boano, T Voigt, N Tsiftes, L Mottola, K Römer, MA Zúniga
Wireless Sensor Networks: 7th European Conference, EWSN 2010, Coimbra …, 2010
Accurate temperature measurements for medical research using body sensor networks
CA Boano, M Lasagni, K Romer, T Lange
Object/Component/Service-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing Workshops …, 2011
A decade of wireless sensing applications: Survey and taxonomy
FJ Oppermann, CA Boano, K Römer
The Art of Wireless Sensor Networks: Volume 1: Fundamentals, 11-50, 2014
Radio link quality estimation in low-power wireless networks
N Baccour, A Koubâa, C Noda, H Fotouhi, M Alves, H Youssef, MA Zúniga, ...
Springer International Publishing, 2013
Hot Packets: A systematic evaluation of the effect of temperature on low power wireless transceivers
CA Boano, H Wennerstrom, M Zuniga, J Brown, C Keppitiyagama, ...
IEEE ExtremeCom 2013, 2013
An Efficient and Secure Automotive Wireless Software Update Framework
M Steger, CA Boano, T Niedermayr, M Karner, J Hillebrand, K Roemer, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (5), 2181-2193, 2018
Impact of Temperature Variations on the Reliability of LoRa
CA Boano, M Cattani, K Römer
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Sensor Networks (SENSORNETS), 2018
Quantifying the channel quality for interference-aware wireless sensor networks
C Noda, S Prabh, M Alves, CA Boano, T Voigt
ACM SIGBED Review 8 (4), 43-48, 2011
IoTBench: Towards a benchmark for low-power wireless networking
CA Boano, S Duquennoy, A Förster, O Gnawali, R Jacob, HS Kim, ...
2018 IEEE Workshop on Benchmarking Cyber-Physical Networks and Systems …, 2018
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Articles 1–20