Fred G. Martin
Cited by
Cited by
Computational thinking for youth in practice
I Lee, F Martin, J Denner, B Coulter, W Allan, J Erickson
ACM Inroads 2 (1), 32-37, 2011
Envisioning AI for K-12: What should every child know about AI?
D Touretzky, C Gardner-McCune, F Martin, D Seehorn
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 33 (01), 9795-9799, 2019
Digital manipulatives: new toys to think with
M Resnick, F Martin, R Berg, R Borovoy, V Colella, K Kramer, B Silverman
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 1998
Will massive open online courses change how we teach?
FG Martin
Communications of the ACM 55 (8), 26-28, 2012
Programmable bricks: Toys to think with
M Resnick, F Martin, R Sargent, B Silverman
IBM Systems journal 35 (3.4), 443-452, 1996
Pianos not stereos: Creating computational construction kits
M Resnick, A Bruckman, F Martin
interactions 3 (5), 40-50, 1996
Meme tags and community mirrors: moving from conferences to collaboration
R Borovoy, F Martin, S Vemuri, M Resnick, B Silverman, C Hancock
Proceedings of the 1998 ACM conference on Computer supported cooperative …, 1998
Robotic explorations: A hands-on introduction to engineering
FG Martin
Prentice Hall PTR, 2000
Computational thinking from a disciplinary perspective: Integrating computational thinking in K-12 science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education
I Lee, S Grover, F Martin, S Pillai, J Malyn-Smith
Journal of Science Education and Technology 29, 1-8, 2020
Things that blink: Computationally augmented name tags
R Borovoy, M McDonald, F Martin, M Resnick
IBM Systems Journal 35 (3.4), 488-495, 1996
To mindstorms and beyond: Evolution of a construction kit for magical machines
F Martin, B Mikhak, M Resnick, B Silverman, R Berg
Robots for kids: Exploring new technologies for learning, 9-33, 2000
Integrating computational thinking across the K--8 curriculum
I Lee, F Martin, K Apone
Acm Inroads 5 (4), 64-71, 2014
GroupWear: nametags that tell about relationships
R Borovoy, F Martin, M Resnick, B Silverman
CHI 98 conference summary on Human factors in computing systems, 329-330, 1998
A year in K–12 AI education
D Touretzky, C Gardner‐McCune, C Breazeal, F Martin, D Seehorn
AI magazine 40 (4), 88-90, 2019
Circuits to control--learning engineering by designing LEGO robots
FG Martin
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1994
MetaCricket: A designer's kit for making computational devices
F Martin, B Mikhak, B Silverman
IBM Systems Journal 39 (3.4), 795-815, 2000
Kids learning engineering science using LEGO and the programmable brick
F Martin
Proc of AERA 96, 1996
The assessment of mobile computational thinking
M Sherman, F Martin
Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 30 (6), 53-59, 2015
Ideal and real systems: A study of notions of control in undergraduates who design robots
FG Martin
Constructionism in practice, 297-322, 1996
Special session: AI for K-12 guidelines initiative
D Touretzky, F Martin, D Seehorn, C Breazeal, T Posner
Proceedings of the 50th ACM technical symposium on computer science …, 2019
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Articles 1–20