Yong-Hwa Kim
Yong-Hwa Kim
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Cited by
High-resolution parameter estimation method to identify broken rotor bar faults in induction motors
YH Kim, YW Youn, DH Hwang, JH Sun, DS Kang
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (9), 4103-4117, 2012
Opportunistic routing for smart grid with power line communication access networks
SG Yoon, S Jang, YH Kim, S Bahk
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (1), 303-311, 2013
Recurrent neural network for partial discharge diagnosis in gas-insulated switchgear
MT Nguyen, VH Nguyen, SJ Yun, YH Kim
Energies 11 (5), 1202, 2018
Joint maximum likelihood estimation of carrier and sampling frequency offsets for OFDM systems
YH Kim, JH Lee
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 57 (2), 277-283, 2011
Convolutional-neural-network-based partial discharge diagnosis for power transformer using UHF sensor
TD Do, VN Tuyet-Doan, YS Cho, JH Sun, YH Kim
IEEE Access 8, 207377-207388, 2020
Ray-tracing-aided modeling of user-shadowing effects in indoor wireless channels
JH Jung, J Lee, JH Lee, YH Kim, SC Kim
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 62 (6), 3412-3416, 2014
Support vector machine based bearing fault diagnosis for induction motors using vibration signals
DH Hwang, YW Youn, JH Sun, KH Choi, JH Lee, YH Kim
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology 10 (4), 1558-1565, 2015
Wideband channel measurements and modeling for in-house power line communication
SC Kim, JH Lee, HH Song, YH Kim
Capacity of OFDM two-hop relaying systems for medium-voltage power-line access networks
YH Kim, S Choi, SC Kim, JH Lee
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 27 (2), 886-894, 2012
Diversity relaying for parallel use of power-line and wireless communication networks
JH Lee, YH Kim
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 29 (3), 1301-1310, 2013
BER performance of binary transmitted signal for power line communication under Nakagami‐like background noise
Y Kim, YH Kim, HM Oh, S Choi
a (a+ 1)(a+ 2) 2, 2, 2011
Genetic algorithm for path loss model selection in signal strength-based indoor localization
B Lee, D Ham, J Choi, SC Kim, YH Kim
IEEE Sensors Journal 21 (21), 24285-24296, 2021
Empirical evidence of network neutrality–The incentives for discrimination
D Lee, YH Kim
Information Economics and Policy 29, 1-9, 2014
Lane-by-Lane traffic monitoring using 24.1 GHz FMCW radar system
HS Lim, HM Park, JE Lee, YH Kim, S Lee
IEEE Access 9, 14677-14687, 2021
Intelligent fault detection using raw vibration signals via dilated convolutional neural networks
MA Khan, YH Kim, J Choo
The Journal of Supercomputing 76 (10), 8086-8100, 2020
Deep ensemble model for unknown partial discharge diagnosis in gas-insulated switchgears using convolutional neural networks
VN Tuyet-Doan, HA Pho, B Lee, YH Kim
IEEE Access 9, 80524-80534, 2021
End-to-end partial discharge detection in power cables via time-domain convolutional neural networks
MA Khan, J Choo, YH Kim
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology 14, 1299-1309, 2019
Mitigation of effect of impulsive noise for OFDM systems over power line channels
YH Kim, KH Kim, HM Oh, KH Kim, SC Kim
2008 IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and Its …, 2008
Classification of interference signal for automotive radar systems with convolutional neural network
J Kim, S Lee, YH Kim, SC Kim
IEEE Access 8, 176717-176727, 2020
Multipath parameter estimation for PLC channels using the GEESE algorithm
YH Kim
IEEE Transactions on power delivery 25 (4), 2339-2345, 2010
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Articles 1–20