Ali Jaoua
Ali Jaoua
Professor of Computer Science, Dean of the School of Computing and Data Science, OUC, Qatar, LJMU,Uk
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Cited by
Discovering knowledge from fuzzy concept lattice
SB Yahia, A Jaoua
Data mining and computational intelligence, 167-190, 2001
A multi-level conceptual data reduction approach based on the Lukasiewicz implication
S Elloumi, J Jaam, A Hasnah, A Jaoua, I Nafkha
Information Sciences 163 (4), 253-262, 2004
Galois connection, formal concepts and Galois lattice in real relations: application in a real classifier
A Jaoua, S Elloumi
Journal of Systems and Software 60 (2), 149-163, 2002
Edge-based compression and classification for smart healthcare systems: Concept, implementation and evaluation
AA Abdellatif, A Emam, CF Chiasserini, A Mohamed, A Jaoua, R Ward
Expert Systems with Applications 117, 1-14, 2019
Embedding a demonic semilattice in a relation algebra
J Desharnais, N Belkhiter, SBM Sghaier, F Tchier, A Jaoua, A Mili, ...
Theoretical Computer Science 149 (2), 333-360, 1995
ICDAR 2013 competition on gender prediction from handwriting
A Hassaïne, S Al Maadeed, J Aljaam, A Jaoua
2013 12th international conference on document analysis and recognition …, 2013
The ICDAR2011 Arabic writer identification contest
A Hassaïne, S Al-Maadeed, JM Alja'am, A Jaoua, A Bouridane
2011 International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 1470-1474, 2011
An extension of classical functional dependency: dynamic fuzzy functional dependency
SB Yahia, H Ounalli, A Jaoua
Information Sciences 119 (3-4), 219-234, 1999
Formal context coverage based on isolated labels: An efficient solution for text feature extraction
F Ferjani, S Elloumi, A Jaoua, SB Yahia, S Ismail, S Ravan
Information Sciences 188, 198-214, 2012
Décomposition rectangulaire optimale d’une relation binaire: application aux bases de données documentaires
N Belkhiter, C Bourhfir, MM Gammoudi, A Jaoua, N Le Thanh, M Reguig
INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research 32 (1), 33-54, 1994
Towards an inpainting framework for visual cultural heritage
NH Jboor, A Belhi, AK Al-Ali, A Bouras, A Jaoua
2019 IEEE Jordan International Joint Conference on Electrical Engineering …, 2019
Relational division operator: The conjugate kernel.
J Desharnais, A Jaoua, F Mili, N Boudriga, A Mili
Theoretical Computer Science 114 (2), 247-272, 1993
Text categorization using hyper rectangular keyword extraction: Application to news articles classification
A Hassaine, S Mecheter, A Jaoua
Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science: 15th International …, 2015
On faults and faulty programs
A Mili, MF Frias, A Jaoua
International Conference on Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer …, 2014
Conceptual data sampling for breast cancer histology image classification
E Rezk, Z Awan, F Islam, A Jaoua, S Al Maadeed, N Zhang, G Das, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 89, 59-67, 2017
Query expansion using fuzzy association rules between terms
CC Latiri, SB Yahia, JP Chevallet, A Jaoua
Proceedings of JIM, 2003
Galois Connection in Fuzzy Binary Relations, Applications for Discovering Association Rules and Decision Making.
A Jaoua, F Alvi, S Elloumi, SB Yahia
RelMiCS, 141-149, 2000
Text summarization based on conceptual data classification
JM ALJa’am, AM Jaoua, AM Hasnah, F Hassan, H Mohamed, T Mosaid, ...
International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE …, 2006
An incremental learning system for imprecise and uncertain knowledge discovery
M Maddouri, S Elloumi, A Jaoua
Information Sciences 109 (1-4), 149-164, 1998
On fuzzy difunctional relations
H Ounalli, A Jaoua
Information sciences 95 (3-4), 219-232, 1996
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Articles 1–20