Eric Shiu, Eric CC Shiu, Eric C C Shiu, Eric C Shiu, Eric Chi Chung Shiu, Eric Chichung Shiu
Eric Shiu, Eric CC Shiu, Eric C C Shiu, Eric C Shiu, Eric Chi Chung Shiu, Eric Chichung Shiu
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Cited by
Conceptualising and measuring the equity of online brands
G Christodoulides, L De Chernatony, O Furrer, E Shiu, T Abimbola
Journal of marketing management 22 (7-8), 799-825, 2006
Google workloads for consumer devices: Mitigating data movement bottlenecks
A Boroumand, S Ghose, Y Kim, R Ausavarungnirun, E Shiu, R Thakur, ...
Proceedings of the Twenty-Third International Conference on Architectural …, 2018
Validation of a proposed instrument for measuring eco-innovation: An implementation perspective
CC Cheng, EC Shiu
Technovation 32 (6), 329-344, 2012
Marketing research
E Shiu, H Joseph, B Robert, O David
McGraw Hill, 2009
Comparing high-end and low-end early adopters of battery electric vehicles
S Hardman, E Shiu, R Steinberger-Wilckens
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 88, 40-57, 2016
The inconvenient truth of the relationship between open innovation activities and innovation performance
CCJ Cheng, EC Shiu
Management Decision 53 (3), 625-647, 2015
How to enhance SMEs customer involvement using social media: The role of Social CRM
CCJ Cheng, EC Shiu
International Small Business Journal 37 (1), 22-42, 2019
Relationship quality in business to business relationships—Reviewing the current literatures and proposing a new measurement model
Z Jiang, E Shiu, S Henneberg, P Naude
Psychology & Marketing 33 (4), 297-313, 2016
Barriers to the adoption of fuel cell vehicles: A qualitative investigation into early adopters attitudes
S Hardman, E Shiu, R Steinberger-Wilckens, T Turrentine
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 95, 166-182, 2017
Changing the fate of Fuel Cell Vehicles: Can lessons be learnt from Tesla Motors?
S Hardman, E Shiu, R Steinberger-Wilckens
International journal of hydrogen energy 40 (4), 1625-1638, 2015
Google neural network models for edge devices: Analyzing and mitigating machine learning inference bottlenecks
A Boroumand, S Ghose, B Akin, R Narayanaswami, GF Oliveira, X Ma, ...
2021 30th International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation …, 2021
Consumer attitudes to fuel cell vehicles post trial in the United Kingdom
S Hardman, A Chandan, E Shiu, R Steinberger-Wilckens
international journal of hydrogen energy 41 (15), 6171-6179, 2016
Re-innovation: The construct, measurement, and validation
CJ Cheng, ECC Shiu
Technovation 28 (10), 658-666, 2008
Cross-national consumer segmentation of Internet shopping for Britain and Taiwan
ECC Shiu, JA Dawson
Service industries journal 22 (1), 147-166, 2002
{Half-Double}: Hammering from the next row over
A Kogler, J Juffinger, S Qazi, Y Kim, M Lipp, N Boichat, E Shiu, M Nissler, ...
31st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 22), 3807-3824, 2022
Comparing the impacts of Internet technology and national culture on online usage and purchase from a four-country perspective
ECC Shiu, JA Dawson
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 11 (6), 385-394, 2004
Developing and validating a theory-based model of crowdfunding investment intention—Perspectives from social exchange theory and customer value perspective
X Yang, K Zhao, X Tao, E Shiu
Sustainability 11 (9), 2525, 2019
Creativity Research: An interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research handbook
E Shiu
Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2014
Segmenting the convenience and health trends in the British food market
ECC Shiu, JA Dawson, DW Marshall
British Food Journal 106 (2), 106-127, 2004
Critical success factors of new product development in Taiwan's electronics industry
C Chi‐Jyun Cheng, EC Shiu
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 20 (2), 174-189, 2008
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