Zhiyao Yang
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Cited by
Comparative Life Cycle Analysis for Value Recovery of Precious Metals and Rare Earth Elements from Electronic Waste
Zhen Li, Luis A. Diaz, Zhiyao Yang, Hongyue Jin, Tedd E. Lister, Ehsan ...
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 149, 20-30, 2019
Modeling and evaluation of cyber-attacks on grid-interactive efficient buildings
Y Fu, Z O'Neill, Z Yang, V Adetola, J Wen, L Ren, T Wagner, Q Zhu, T Wu
Applied Energy 303, 117639, 2021
Experimentally measured thermal masses of adsorption heat exchangers
KR Gluesenkamp, A Frazzica, A Velte, S Metcalf, Z Yang, M Rouhani, ...
Energies 13 (5), 1150, 2020
A critical review of cyber-physical security for building automation systems
G Li, L Ren, Y Fu, Z Yang, V Adetola, J Wen, Q Zhu, T Wu, KS Candan, ...
Annual Reviews in Control 55, 237-254, 2023
Enhancement of phase change material hysteresis model: A case study of modeling building envelope in EnergyPlus
F Feng, Y Fu, Z Yang, Z O'Neill
Energy and Buildings 276, 112511, 2022
Ammonia-based chemisorption heat pumps for cold-climate heating applications: A comprehensive review
Z Yang, M Qu, KR Gluesenkamp
Applied Thermal Engineering 179, 115674, 2020
Experimental study on a novel three-phase absorption thermal battery with high energy density applied to buildings
L Wang, X Liu, Z Yang, KR Gluesenkamp
Energy 208, 118311, 2020
A Technical and Economic Analysis of an Innovative Two-Step Absorption System for Utilizing Low-Temperature Geothermal Resources to Condition Commercial Buildings
X Liu, Z Yang, KR Gluesenkamp, AM Momen
41st Stanford Geothermal Workshop, 2016
Unified thermodynamic model to calculate COP of diverse sorption heat pump cycles: Adsorption, absorption, resorption, and multistep crystalline reactions
C Zhu, KR Gluesenkamp, Z Yang, C Blackman
International journal of refrigeration 99, 382-392, 2019
Internally cooled membrane-based absorber for dehumidification and water heating: Validated model and simulation study
Z Gao, N Kumar, Z Yang, K Gluesenkamp, A Abuheiba, S Moghaddam, ...
Energy Conversion and Management 230, 113787, 2021
Study of optimal sizing for residential sorption heat pump system
C Blackman, KR Gluesenkamp, M Malhotra, Z Yang
Applied Thermal Engineering 150, 421-432, 2019
Development of updated absorption simulation software (absim)
Z Yang, X Tang, M Qu, O Abdelaziz, KR Gluesenkamp
Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States). Building …, 2014
Development and case study of the liquid desiccant system module in sorption system simulation program (SorpSim)
Z Yang, M Qu, O Abdelaziz, KR Gluesenkamp
Applied Thermal Engineering 162, 114261, 2019
Quantification of HVAC energy savings through occupancy presence sensors in an apartment setting: Field testing and inverse modeling approach
Z Pang, M Guo, B Smith-Cortez, Z O'Neill, Z Yang, M Liu, B Dong
Energy and Buildings 302, 113752, 2024
Equilibrium vapor pressure properties for absorbent and adsorbent materials
Z Yang, KR Gluesenkamp, A Frazzica
International Journal of Refrigeration 124, 134-166, 2021
Development of a hardware-In-the-Loop (HIL) testbed for cyber-physical security in smart buildings
G Li, Z Yang, Y Fu, L Ren, Z O'Neill, C Parikh
arXiv preprint arXiv:2210.11234, 2022
Design screening and analysis of gas-fired ammonia-based chemisorption heat pumps for space heating in cold climate
Z Yang, M Qu, KR Gluesenkamp
Energy 207, 118213, 2020
Model-Based Performance Comparison of Ammonia Chemisorption Heat Pumps for Cold Climate with Different Working Pairs and Cycle Configurations
Proceedings of the 17th International Refrigeration and Air Conditioning …, 2018
Performance assessment of a real water source heat pump within a hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) testing environment
C Calfa, Z Yang, Y Li, Z Chen, Z O’Neill, J Wen
Science and Technology for the Built Environment 29 (10), 1011-1026, 2023
Development of a Hardware-in-the-loop Testbed for Laboratory Performance Verification of Flexible Building Equipment in Typical Commercial Buildings
Z Chen, J Wen, ST Bushby, LJ Lo, Z O'Neill, WV Payne, A Pertzborn, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.13412, 2023
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Articles 1–20